Chapter 16: And why the sea is boiling hot

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As the group of friends hurried back to the Egress to Diagon Alley, it seemed like everyone who passed them was talking about the flood of rats that had just coursed through Charing Cross Road.

"Fred. George. Put Ron's clothes right. They are drawing more attention than the rats!" Hermione hissed.

"That's a fair point... do the honors, George?" Fred conceded.

"There you go, Ron... back to school robes in the middle of London... doesn't stand out at all," George chortled.

"This isn't a time to be taking the mickey out of anyone!" Hermione protested.

"What do you mean, Herms?" Fred teased and had probably pulled Hermione into a side hug, given the way she was baulking. "What better time than when the streets are teeming with rats, muggles, Aurors, and escaped death eaters?"

Harry shrugged to himself... Fred had a point. Gemma asked him what was going on and Harry tried his best to describe it. She caught hold of the slip of paper and scratched her agreement on his arm.

It was getting hot under the invisibility cloak and rivulets of sweat were making their way down Harry's neck. Gemma was pressed close to him, one arm around his waist so they could move in unison. His clothes were sticking to him.

Ginny yelped, and lurching, she pulled Harry (and Gemma) to the side.

"Wha—!" Harry exclaimed.

"More rats! They almost ran into us!" Ginny panted.

"Gah! How many rats are there in London?" Neville muttered when they had to stop as yet another mischief of rats blocked their path. Their scritching nails and chorus of squeaks were unnerving.

"More rats than people, that's for sure! And where is Scabbers!?" Ron moaned.

"Do not play the flute again!" George demanded. "Or I'll put a permanent sticking charm on that Pied Piper hat!"

"Stop it!" Ron bleated.

"We're nearly there," Hermione assured. "Come on."

"Nearly where?" Harry asked... he had lost all sense of direction.

"Diagon Alley."

"I think I better just go to the apparition point... I've got to get Nio."

"What about all your school things?" Hermione asked.

"I can figure that out later."

"Mum already thinks Harry is safely there, Hermione. It probably is better if Harry goes. I don't think Dad saw him... but that one Auror did, I'm pretty sure."

"No! They haven't!" Fred exclaimed.

Harry was really confused by Fred's tone as it didn't seem like him to be so upset about an Auror possibly seeing Harry.

But then he realized that it must be something else when he ran into someone who had stopped directly in front of him. Ginny, Harry, and Gemma were still trying to right themselves when Neville and Hermione rammed into them from the back.

"Please, no!" Ginny groaned.

"Not Dementors again!" George shouted. "What does the Ministry think is going to happen? In the middle of London!"

"Seriously?" Hermione said. "After what happened at the Burrow?"

"Ginny?" Harry asked, registering the tremors that were telegraphing through his hold on her. "You all right?"

"They are getting closer," Fred said, gravely. "Let's get out of here."

"Isn't it dangerous to let them loose where there are so many muggles?" Harry said. "Can they even see them?"

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