Chapter 14: Operation Pick Scabby

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"But really, Ron, he didn't get sorted out at St. Mungos? Did you see that article in the Prophet?" Seamus continued to pepper Ron with questions through the gap in the books between aisles at Flourish and Blotts.

"Mum, this way! Come on!" Ginny urged.

"Ron and Ha-, Er, you better come with me, too," Mrs. Weasley said, breathlessly and following Ginny out of the aisles.

Harry managed to get ahold of Ron's robes...he nearly left Harry alone... and followed them through the store.

"But you've got to tell me? Is it true that he killed a Basilisk?" Seamus was heard shouting over the hubbub in the shop.

Curiosity was the only thing keeping Harry tethered to Ron and not jumping back to his cave... that and his desire to see Gemma again... and Hermione and Neville.

In the hubbub, Harry had lost his orientation in the shop, so when they stepped out onto the street suddenly, it was a shock to Harry. He hadn't heard the door opening and closing, letting in the sounds of the street in sudden bursts.

Ron seemed to remember that he was supposed to be guiding Harry and stopped just over the threshold to find Harry's hand and put it on his arm, muttering that he was sorry. Harry had to push down feelings of resentment and anger that he was reliant on Ron to remember him. While his invisibility cloak had been a comfort and a constant companion through this whole ordeal—shielding him from everyone who was trying to hunt him down—right now it felt fettering. He itched to take it off at the same time the thought made his skin crawl.

Mrs. Weasley had found the Auror and they were talking in hushed tones as their wixen boots struck sharply on the cobblestones leading the way through the throngs. Ron and Harry were hurrying to keep up with them. Harry was buffeted by people pushing past Ron in a hurry until Ginny grabbed his hand through the invisibility cloak (he wasn't sure how she found it) and protected him from the other side. Finally, the two women turned into a quiet side alley and the three children huddled together by a damp brick wall, their shoes slightly submerged in a dank puddle of water. Nearby, there was a steady dripping.

Harry couldn't hear Mrs. Weasley and Auror Bones talking anymore and guessed that they had put up some kind of sound shield.

"Ginny, do you know what's going on?" Harry whispered.

"Just that Auror Bones needed to speak to mum urgently. They didn't mind us following... in fact, they kept checking to make sure we were close behind them. But now they've put up a silencing charm... so I have no idea," Ginny huffed.

"I'm pretty sure I heard them say something about Sirius Black," Ron muttered darkly.

Harry slumped more into the brick wall, the invisibility cloak protected him from getting damp.

There was a pop and Harry could hear the wixen boots on the cobblestone again... approaching them. Both Ginny and Ron turned toward the noise as well and Harry stood away from the wall, attentive.

"Is Harry here with you?" Auror Bones asked quietly. Mrs. Weasley had stepped behind her quietly and Harry heard the sounds of the street being cut off as a silencing charm settled around the five of them.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm here," Harry said.

"Harry. We were hoping to avoid this, but I'm afraid we have to inform you that a large black dog has been spotted by several sources near Diagon Alley. Though we haven't been able to verify it, we think it is Sirius Black. He was not captured, though both magical and muggle officers of the law are pursuing him. The dog is chasing something small through London—a cat or a rat—reports vary. He's very frenzied—like a rabid animal."

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