Chapter 7: Of rats and bones

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Author's note: Lovely readers. Many apologies for the length of time between postings. I'm still actively writing... just distracted by other things... such as the podfic that I've started recording of Basilisk Eyes. You can find it on Spotify or Anchor, search for Hegemone Fanfiction Podfic or email me at hegemonemilo at and I'll send you the link. It's okay if you can't stand my voice. I'm not a great reader... but I figured no one else was going to take on a 157 chapter fic and I had requests from readers... so there you go.

[break - where the story actually starts]

"Oi, Harry!" Ron shouted through the bathroom door where Harry was brushing his teeth. "Have you seen Scabbers?"

Harry emitted a garbled groan and spat out the toothpaste, rinsed his brush and mouth, shoved his toothbrush back into the storage of his staff, wiped his hands on his pajamas then found the doorknob. He stuck his head out of the door and hooked his first two fingers in front of his eyes (the sign for blind) expecting a guffaw or at least a groan from Ron, but apparently, the gesture was lost. From the sound of it, Ron was rummaging through the debris under his bed and no longer looking in Harry's direction.

"Er, Ron?" Harry said, dragging his fingers through his wet hair and stepping tentatively forward through the minefield of discarded clothes and detritus that Ron kept forgetting to tidy up no matter how many times Harry stumbled.

What had started as a euphoric reunion and gleeful extended sleepover last week was now morphing into a steady stream of bickering and resentments. Harry's gut tightened as he thought about it. He hated that he was already feeling resentful toward Ron and he'd just woken up. He bit back his chuntering as he used his staff to push something soft out of his way and shuffled forward. He had just been in the loo for a few minutes and already there were added items in his path. He toyed with the idea of casting a vanishing spell.

"Harry, help me look for Scabbers! I can't find him anywhere."

"Have you tried summoning him?" Harry sighed.

"Yes, but nothing," Ron said with such heartache that Harry felt some of his irritation slough off.

Harry had finally made it to his bed and was feeling along the sheets until he found his pillow where he'd left Nio snoozing. He gently traced Nio's scales until he found his head, then gently tickled him under his jaw.

"Nio," Harry whispered in Parseltongue, conscious of how much the language unnerved Ron... another thorn. "Nio, have you seen Scabbers? Ron can't find him."

The snake nuzzled Harry's fingers and emitted a grumbling hiss, "the stench of the rat has been long absent, thankfully."

"For how long?" Harry asked, stretching out on the bed.

"Nearly since we arrived. He doesn't smell like a rat. Something is off about that creature. And he doesn't like me or you. I'm glad he's gone."

"Ron misses him," Harry said, to which Nio harrumphed and started to coil around Harry's neck.

Ron was now pulling things out from under Harry's bed. Harry wondered how there could be things under his bed when he kept all of his belongings in his staff and the bed had just been added last week when Harry arrived at the Burrow.

"Where does all this stuff come from Ron?" Harry asked.

"Huh?" Ron asked as he dragged what sounded like a tin full of marbles out from under the bed.

"All these bits and bobs on the floor? How is it possible to have this much stuff? I don't think Dudley even has such a cluttered room."

"I thought your Aunt was a neat freak and made you clean his room."

Phoenix Tearsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें