The bulbs return to a caution cone hue.

"Are you working with him?"

"I am not," she replies.

The lights don't change.

"I am using him. He has resources that Slammer, Malware, and I need to try to stop The Fleet. Well, their plan at least. That's all. Sir Madness isn't the man I knew growing up. He isn't my dad anymore. He is just some obsessed holder who wants to show people he is worth noticing."

Orange remains. I end the program and my room returns to normal.

"You can take it off now," I tell her, reaching for something in my desk drawer.

"It isn't a bomb, is it?" Tiptoe asks.

"Nah. It's my fitness tracker."

A chuckle escapes her as she hands it back to me.

"I am sorry I had to do that. It is hard to know who to trust anymore."

"I'll let it slide this time. But next time..." She shakes her fist.

"Roger that."

"Little help here," Malware says. The foam is starting to make its way up their neck.

"Oh, right. This is going to sound unpleasant for a moment." I aim a small remote at them and press the red button on it. An aggressively loud beeping is emitted.

"Shit!" Slammer's exclamation is faint over the sound that is slowly deafening us all.

Thankfully, it's working. The sound waves send ripples through the foam. The gray clusters shrink. When they reach the size of a lacrosse ball, I pluck them off of Slammer and Malware and put them back in their containment orbs.

When the remote stops, I can still hear the phantom sound of the beeping. I can't tell if Slammer wants to fist-bump me or kick my ass, so I turn my attention back to Tiptoe.

"So, did you call us over here for a purpose, or just to put us through this crazy-ass lie detector?" Tiptoe asks as our eyes meet.

"I need your help. Well, all of your help," I tell her.

"First you torture us and now you are asking for our help," Slammer retorts.

"Ah. Umm. Yeah." I can't help the uncomfortable laugh that comes out. "I had a conversation with a friend today that gave me an idea. I am only one person, but with the help of you guys, maybe we can put an end to the Cloud 10 epidemic."

"Stop the whole thing?" Tiptoe asks.

"Yes. I have found out that my dad had his hand in making Cloud 10. Err. He was the hand who made Cloud 10. He is gone now, but maybe I can help stop it. This was never his idea. He had big dreams for the drug's use, and, I don't know, I feel like this could be a good way to honor him."

I bow my head knowing I sound dumb and saying it out loud gets my eyes burning. I am on the cusp of tears when a hand finds my shoulder. Looking up, I am surprised to find Slammer standing beside me.

"I'm in," he tells me.

"Me too," adds Malware.

Tiptoe puts her hand on my other shoulder. "Noah, we will definitely help you, but the three of us have to stop Matriarch first. Then when she is shut down, we can turn our attention to Cloud 10."

My smile hurts my face.

"Awesome! While you guys do your thing, I will get started on the Cloud 10–"

"No!" all three of them say at once.

"Dude, it is way too dangerous to go at it alone," Slammer says.

"And you are terrible at keeping yourself out of trouble," Malware adds.

I pretend to be insulted, but they are speaking the truth.

"Promise us, Noah, that you will not look into the Cloud 10 ring until you have backup. We actually care about your well-being," Tiptoe pokes her finger into my chest.

I smile and look to Slammer. He nods in agreement. I could be wrong, but I think this group of weirdos has actually become my friends.

"Okay. I promise. I will leave the Cloud 10 work until we can take it on as a team."

Team. Has a nice ring to it.

"Good," Tiptoe says with finality. "Okay, people. Let's call it a night. Rest up. Matriarch is on the verge of doing something wild and we have to be ready."

They file toward the door.

"Good night, Vigilante Triad," I call after them.

"I like it but, no," Tiptoe says turning to Slammer.

I can tell he knows what she is thinking for he finishes her statement. "There are four of us now."

And in a blink, they are gone, but I am not alone anymore. 

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