Chapter 44: This is reality.

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Quote: "Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life." 

— Jackie Robinson

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Third person pov:

"Hello..." Diana answered as she scratched the back of her neck.

"What are you two doing here together hmm? And that too..."

"Holding hands!" Austin finished Callista's sentence as they both smiled ear to ear. While Penelope who just noticed, widened her eyes.

"What?" Diana questioned as she looked down. 'Oh no... I forgot about that...'

" you want to be bombarded with questions or run?" Augustine whispered to Diana as he eyed the two grinning adults.

"Run." Diana whispered back. "On 3...2....1...RUN!" Augustine called out as he waved a little goodbye to Penelope.

"See you later DIRA!" Diana said goodbye before getting pulled by Augustine to run to Penelope, who waved them back with a bright smile. She had an idea on what was going on, as she spotted the Emperor of Obelia strolling in the garden.

"That little punk!" - Austin

"That little punk!" -Callista

"DON'T copy me!!" Austin yelled annoyingly at Callista.

"YOU SON OF A GUN!! I AM GOING OT MURDER YOU! HOW DARE YOU YELL AT ME?!! HUH?! I BASICALLY RAISED YOU!" Callista screamed on the top of her lungs as she took her shoe out, and chased after Austin, who hid behind Penelope. Henry and Austin were close when kids, more like rivalry, they met due to Austin's mother and Callista being friends.

"Uh...ha-ha. I have work. Goodbye. BYE sweetie. " Austin said she ran out of the garden, with Callista still chasing him.

"Bye dad!!" Penelope bid goodbye to her father, as she took a deep breath. The past week had been hectic and there was no trace from Carlos. It worried her.

"I hope he is alright. The situation is getting serious, and the letter was sent, and he didn't reply to my last letter!" she muttered to herself with a frown.
"My lady! You have been summoned to the meeting room! Everyone has!" A maid came rushing.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Penelope asked, as she turned around to face the maid.

"I am not sure, but my lady's presence is required." the maid said with a bow.

"Alright, please lead the way." Penelope said as she followed the maid to the meeting room.

'What could be wrong? I have a bad feeling about all this. Especially about Carlos.' -Penelope thought.

"Was there a letter from the battleship?" Penelope questioned the maid, though doubt the maid knows the answer.

"I am sorry, I am not aware of that, my lady." The maid apologized.

"I see." Penelope said, expecting the answer. 

At the meeting room:

"What is going on?" Penelope questioned as she entered the room.

"We have to make our ways to the battlefield." Austine said as he wore his long coat, with Augustine getting his sword, Sovishu with his armor, and plain old Abel.

"Why?" Penelope asked, confused about what's going on.

"Everything is a mess." said Callista as she rampaged through the documents.

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