~Chapter 14~

Depuis le début

I have cancelled meetings last minute because of all the reviews about the person and here, they are saying that I'm marrying for business.

I opened every message until I was tired. I tried to not think about how we got married and just think of it as a normal marriage. But it's not possible.

Every time that I try it, the face of happy Arjun Raichand comes in front of my face when he said yes.

Idiotic weirdo.

Deciding not to pay much attention to it I diverted my eyes to the phone which I regret.

Because even he has messaged me. After a month. I opened the message and it read,
'Seriously Krisha? How could you move on so quick? Did I mean nothing to you? Oh my god, you're so opportunistic. Thank god, I broke up with you. '

And I could feel a drop of tear leave my eye.

I'm opportunistic? Like really?

I screamed and hit my bangle clad hand on the wall and all the bangles broke and pierced my skin when the door opened and there stood Arjun Raichand looking shocked as hell.



That was the sound I heard as soon as I opened the door to our room.

I looked to see Krisha who's arm was bleeding which shocked me. I looked and there I found some bangle pieces on floor.

I finally realised what must've happened and when I did, I couldn't stop myself from being stressed.

"Oh my god Krisha, what did you do?" I asked, going near her.

"What does it look like?" She sassed back.

"Can you stop your sarcasm for a second and be serious. See how much blood this is!" I said and she just gave me a duh look.

"Sit on the bed, I'll bring the first aid." I said and held her hand which she shrugged off.

"Don't you dare touch me." She warned and sat down herself while I brought the first aid from the bathroom.

I sat there for five minutes but she refused to forward her hand. As she had warned I was not going to hold her hand, but seeing her make no move to do so I held her wrist to which she gave no reaction.

I looked at her to see her lost in thoughts,

I quickly first removed the bangles pieces that were literally pierced in her hand and then took out cotton and antiseptic liquid and started cleaning the wound. But as much as I did, the blood kept flowing.

For the next ten minutes I was just cleaning her wound while she was giving no reaction.

"Oh my god! Are you crying?" She exclaimed and then I felt the tears that were flowing through my eyes.

"Don't cry dude. It's me whose injured not you." She explained like I'm a kid.

"I don't know. Tears started flowing on their own." I shrugged my shoulders and went to dispose all the cotton and stuff.

"Thank you." She said and I smiled wide.

"But don't waste your tears now. I would give you many reasons for the. " She said and stormed off to the bathroom.

I get it why she is angry. So I was much prepared for this behavior. I know that this is just the beginning of our relationship, so I definitely not expect her to be like the typical wife.

Maybe one day she'll see that I really love her and maybe give this marriage a chance. I hope she does.
I was thinking this while sitting one the couch when she came out after changing into something comfortable.

"You know what? I'm not going to do anything today considering you didn't anger me by having the fully decorated room." She said sitting on the bed.

"I knew that would be clearly awkward and mostly crossing of the line, so I asked Aryan to remove all the decoration which was done before we were sent to the room." I said and she looked at me surprised.

"How come he has gotten all the brain after schooling?" She asked and I just chuckled in response.

"Ok, so Arjun Raichand, enough of the timepass. Let's talk something serious now. " She said, more likely ordered while I just nodded.

"As you know, everything that has happened is all because of you and any reason would not be acceptable for that. So you won't compel me to believe anything that you say." She said and I nodded like an obedient child.

"Secondly, I'm not used to having anyone in my room when I sleep. I definitely can't ask you to go out or anything, but you would not sleep on the same bed as me." She said and I looked at her with a shocked face.

"But where will I sleep then?"

"You have this huge room. Sleep wherever you find place. But. Not. On. The. Bed." She said stressing the last words and I again silently nodded.

At least we're in the same room.

"Good. So I'm going to sleep now. Don't make a single noise. Have a nightmare filled night." She said and pulled the comforter over her and slept, while I looked around thinking where to sleep.

I looked at the couch which is big enough. I always argued with mom as to why she brought such a huge couch, but now it's the only thing that is helping me.

I looked at the clock which made a ting sound, indicating that it's midnight.

Realising it to be super late, I quickly changed, took out a blanket from the cupboard and slept, hoping tomorrow would be a better day in our relationship.


Hey Dear Readers,

Here goes the 14th chapter.

Hope you all like it.

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