Chapter 1 ( Introduction)

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Marcel's pov:

My name is Marcel Mozzanti, but most everyone calls be Jude. I live in a huge fancy mansion with my Papa. I don't know my mother, from what I'm told she and Papa were very young when they had me, and 2 months after my birth my so said Mother decided that she was to young to raise a child and she gave up her custody over me. Leaving me with my papa, Raphael Mozzanti, who at the time of my birth was 19 years old, still in college and struggling to take care of us both. But he soon became one of the richest people in Italy, and defiantly the most feared.

I'm always told that I look like the most perfect mix of my parents. I have wavy blonde hair and dark brown eyes like my my mom. But besides that, all my facial features are a replica of my dad when he was my age (nose, eye shape, face shape etc..)
My Papa has dark brown wavy hair, and green eyes. Tall , but in a way that is not freakishly tall but more like taller then then most people and maybe same height as some of the men that work for him. And Papa is very strong. We have a gym in the house that Papa uses everyday unless he has to go to work early or isn't feeling well. Sometimes I go there when he's at work and use the treadmill like a slide by sitting on a piece of cardboard putting the speed very high and sort of "flying of".

Oh! And talking about "my age", I am turning 8 years old in 2 weeks exactly from now!

But I'm only excited about being considered by other people more mature then last year. My birthday is so boring every year anyway. I wake up, eat breakfast, then I go to my uncles house for the whole day to celebrate with my cousins (literally my only friends so I guess I can't complain too much...) , presents from family and friends, cake, go back home and sleep.

Well, okay. I guess it's not terrible. But I much rather go out with actual friends.
Unfortunately for me, my mean dad won't let me go to school and I have to be homeschooled. And the worst part is he doesn't tell me a good reason to why I can't go. He treats me like a little kid. Anytime I bring up the topic he says: "Marcel, I will not change my mind due to your constant nagging." Or "I am busy and I do not have time to listen to this again"

But today I'm feeling very determined. And I will ask him again. Hopefully it will go smoothly and I will get what I want.

Hello to anyone who decided to read this book. This was just a little chapter to understand Marcel more and what he's like.
I promise next chapters will be much longer.

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