A Mochi with a soul

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It was a quiet day in Rachel's house. The whole summer so far was quite uneventful. Her parents were away on a long business trip this summer, so she had to stay home and take care of the house. Her friends were currently away on vacations with their families, so she couldn't hangout with them. She wished for something interesting and exciting to happen to her this summer, little did she know it would happen on this day.

Rachel was quietly reading a book when someone suddenly knocked on the door.

'I haven't had anyone knock at the door all summer, who could be at the door?' Rachel thought to herself as she got up to answer the door.

She opened her door revealing her neighbor Jessica. Jessica lives a few blocks away from Rachel's house, they had met before when Rachel went for a walk around the neighborhood one day and the two of them chatted for a while. Jessica lived by herself, was in her late 30's, had puffy black hair, wasn't married, and is very mysterious, so Rachel was a bit surprised seeing Jessica show up at her house.

"Oh hi Jessica! How are you?" said Rachel.

"I'm good Rachel," Jessica quickly said.

"What brings you over to my house today?" Rachel asked Jessica.

"I wanted to give you these," replied Jessica as she handed Rachel a plastic bowl filled with small round pink colored things.

"They're mochi's. I made them earlier today, and I wanted to give them to someone. So I decided to give them to you," Jessica continued.

Rachel was a bit shocked. She's also never seen Jessica give something to someone before.

"Thank you Jessica. I've never had mochi's before," said Rachel.

"No problem. I hope you enjoy them," said Jessica as she walked back to her house.

Rachel then closed the door and walked over to the kitchen table. She sat down in one of the chairs and looked at the bowl full of mochi's.

"Well... I guess it couldn't hurt to give them a try," Rachel said to herself.

She grabbed a mochi from the top of the bowl and took a bite. Rachel found it to be very yummy and decided to eat some more.

* Time Skip *

As Rachel was eating her 7th mochi, she suddenly heard the sounds of someone quietly crying. She looked around the house and didn't see anyone, and she also knew she was the only one in the house too. So she listened quietly to fully hear where the cries were coming from. But then, Rachel heard someone quietly speak.

"Why did she do that to me? I just wanted to know what happened to me. Now I'm going to be eaten alive. *Sniff* I guess my life was very very short. *Sniff*," said a mysterious voice.

The voice didn't speak more after that. Rachel felt sad hearing what the voice said. But what was the voice talking about? And where was it speaking from? Rachel decided to wait until the voice's owner fell asleep or speak up again, so she would be able to find them. She waited in the kitchen for 20 minutes wondering if the voice was just in her head or not. But then she heard someone snoring, so she quietly followed the sound until it reached the bowl of mochi's.

'Is the voice's owner is a mochi!?!?!' Rachel thought to herself. 'I'll take a look and see'.

Rachel then quietly grabbed a plate and began taking mochi's out of the bowl one by one. She kept grabbing mochi's until she spotted a white mochi near the bottom of the bowl. She carefully picked the white mochi up and heard snoring sounds coming from it.

'This mochi is alive?!!? But how can a mochi be alive???,' Rachel thought to herself.

Rachel then placed the white mochi on the plate and put the other mochi's back in the bowl. The white mochi was still sleeping and snoring, so Rachel decided to wake it up. She touched the top of it gently, and slowly rubbed back and forth.

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