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Months later

Madelyn was already 8 months old, and Noah had just turned 3.

You're working on the laptop on the kitchen island. While the kids watched TV in the living room.

You got a text from Bucky saying he was on his way to pick them up for the weekend.

"Noah, your dad is on his way, get your shoes, love" you say to him as he watched Bluey with his sister which Madelyn loved. "Dada's coming!" He says excited and runs to his room.

Madelyn started blabbering seeing her brother too excited. "Are you excited too?" You say to her as you pick her up from the couch. She continued blabbering.

She started pulling your shirt down wanting to nurse. "Maddy, your dad's on his way" you say.

You were trying to stop breastfeeding for the past 2 months but she wasn't having it. She was more attached to you than Noah was. He stopped breastfeeding as soon as he started eating food. He didn't ask for it as Madelyn does.

You sit down and nurse.

Bucky knocks and walks in, of course he has a key. Which was suppose to be for emergencies but he used it all the time.

You looked over at the blanket wondering if you should cover up. As you bring it over Madelyn pushes it off. Making you chuckle. It was too hot, plus It's not like he's never seen you before.

"Hey" he says. He places his keys on the table. "I thought you were stopping?" He says pointing at Madelyn.

"I'm trying, she keeps asking for it. Kinda hard to say no to this little face" You say and look down at her, she's starting to close her eyes. "Looks like she's falling asleep." You whisper.

"Yeah, she seems to want milk when she's sleepy," Bucky says.

"Dada!" Noah yells running from his room with shoes in his hands. "Hey bud," Bucky says with a smile.

"Help pwease!" He says, giving him his shoes. Bucky kneels down and helps him put them on. Madelyn fell asleep in your arms, you pull her back and fix your shirt.

"She's asleep" you say, he stands and walks toward you. He looks down and takes her from you.

"I can see why you don't want to stop breastfeeding" he chuckles. You look down, your breast look perkier and bigger than before, the perks of breastfeeding. You blush and shake your head.

"Sorry. I- I thought of it and It just came out!" He says nervously as Madelyn cuddles in his arms.

You go toward Noah and kiss his cheek. "I love you, see you in a few days!" You say, he hugs you. "I love you mama!" He says making you smile.

You stand up and walk toward Bucky, and place a soft kiss on Madelyn's cheek. Bucky takes Noah's hand.

"Alright. See you later" he says and walks out.

You leaning on the door frame watching him place them both in their car seats. He waves at you, gets in the car and drives away.

It always breaks your heart when they leave. You feel empty. You plop yourself on the couch and continue watching whatever the kids were watching.

A few minutes later you realize you're still watching Bluey, "oh god" you say looking down at your phone. You had a missed call from Pepper and a text from Peter.

"I miss the babies" Peter texts, he hasn't been able to visit since he's been busy with school. "They just left with their dad," you reply. He replies with a sad face emoji.

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