When You Hit Rock Bottom..

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The next few days after his birthday passed by in a haze as Tommy continued to ride the high from that day. The day after his birthday, Wilbur actually stopped by to give him a pie Techno and his mum had made. When Tommy asked if Wilbur helped, he said that he'd been the one to pick the berries- but confessed he was actually terrible at cooking. Sure, he was good at gardening, but cooking was iffy on a good day.

Then before he left, Wilbur ruffled his hair fondly before heading off down the hall to collect his offerings. About an hour later, Techno showed up and got all embarrassed when Tommy complimented his baking relentlessly. He'd just shrugged and said he got it from his dad. Then he shoved Tommy playfully for being all sappy, then he walked off into the halls towards the worship rooms as well. Tommy waved both of them off when they came in, and hummed a tune as he swept Creation's room.

That evening at dinner, Dream said that Harvest and War both picked up some offerings. Puffy off-handedly said that was odd, since War picked up offerings like two weeks ago. Dream said he'd look into it, but Tommy didn't pay too much attention to their conversation. Instead, he put his focus into picking the lettuce off the burger that Sam had made him. Briefly, Tommy wondered if Harvest and War picked up their offerings before or after Techno and Wilbur had stopped by. Hopefully it was after. He really wanted his friends to have their offerings be taken and accepted.

The Thursday following his birthday, Tommy woke up abruptly to furious squawks and caws coming from his window seat. He sat up instantly, shutting his eyes as his head swam as he tried to push the sleep from his mind and think. Why was there cawing? Well, Clementine made noise to get his attention, so it was probably her. But why was she being so loud? Maybe she-

His eyes flew open as he stumbled out of bed. Maybe she was hurt.

"Clementine??" He rubbed the crust from his eyelids as he forced his eyes to adjust to the glow of the early morning light. "Are you ok??"

Clementine..Seemed fine? She wasn't bleeding, nothing looked broken right away, and she definitely hadn't fallen since she was still in her nest on his window seat. It took Tommy a solid 3 seconds to realize she was tugging at the bandages on her wing; squawking like they had personally offended her. Blinking a bit in confusion, he ran a hand through his hair to calm himself down.

Clementine paused in her mission to peck at the bandages before giving him a strangely intense look from her one eye.

"What?" He asked, frowning at the bird. "What is it?"

Her eye narrowed at him, and then she went back to pecking at her bandages.

"Gods- Clementine, no!" As gently as he could, he pushed her head away from the bandaged wing and held her head in his hand without hurting her. "Stop messing with your wing! You're gonna hurt yourself! The bandages are to help keep your wing steady while you heal! You can't just-"

Another offended caw, and he let go quickly as she wriggled her head out of his grasp. Instantly she went back to messing with the bandages and Tommy huffed. "Alright, alright! You win! Here, let me just- Ow, don't peck at me!" He scolded gently before carefully tugging at the bandages. As he slipped them off her wing, he gently felt the bone to see if it was actually healed.

And to his surprise- it actually did feel healed. In fact, it felt like it was never broken in the first place. So, with that reassurance that removing the makeshift cast wouldn't hurt her further, he took the little split off and put the remains off to the side. Instantly, Clementine stood and stretched out all her limbs, puffing up her feathers and shaking them out before they laid flat again. She shifted her wings a bit, blinked up at Tommy with a mischievous glint in her eye.

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