Chapter Eight

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Y/N's POV:

Jenna's been asleep for a few hours now, I can tell she needed the rest. Like she asked, I stayed next to her. At one point I tried to scoot away a little but she just subconsciously pulled me closer. Which by the way was adorable. I know we need to talk about what's going on between us, but I'm scared. I don't want this to end.

It's getting to be the evening now, the setting sun dying the sky a bright orange. 

My phone lights up with a text:


Hey Y/N, how's Jenna doing?

                                      Hey Emma, Jenna's asleep right 

                                     now. Idk when she'll wake up.

Okay, thanks for the heads up.

Please tell her that the producer

cancelled her cello class for today.

I send her a thumbs up emoji, glad that Jenna can get a break today.

It's around then that Jenna starts to move again, and her eyes open.

"Hey there sleepyhead, how was your rest?"

"Restful," she replies sleepily.

"Well that's good."

"Yeah," she says.

"Your cello lesson is cancelled for the day, just so you know."

"What?" she asks, clearly a little upset.

"Yeah, Emma told me to tell you."

"They can't just- they can't cancel it. What if I don't learn the piece in time?" she starts to panic, "I can't not do it! I need to!"

"Jenna, what you need is rest and time off. The world won't end if you miss one lesson," I tell her.

"B-but I can't mess this up! It needs to be perfect," she cries.

"You're more likely to mess up if you aren't rested, though," I point out.

She tries to come up with a response, but can't think of one.

"Hey, it'll be okay," I say softly, wiping the tears from her eyes and taking her hand in mine.

"I know, I just get so scared sometimes," she confesses.

"I get it, it's easy to catastrophize. Especially in situations like these." I squeeze her hand.

"Yeah. Yeah it is."

I wrap an arm around her waist, gently hugging her, "it's gonna be okay."

She brings herself closer to me, practically sitting on my lap. She whispers something inaudible. I wonder what she had to say.

After Jenna's had time to wake up, we move to her living room and kitchen area.

"So, we should probably get you something to eat," I start.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry."

"What do you want? Glovo (a Romanian app similar to doordash/uber eats) just gave me a 30% off coupon for any restaurant I want."

"All I want is you," she giggles.

"We'll discuss that after you choose something to eat," I chuckle, "and it has to have protein."

"Fine," she rolls her eyes, quickly scrolling through my phone. We end up deciding on poké bowls.

"Aren't you vegan?" I ask.

"I don't think I can be anymore," she tells me, "I need to get my protein and other nutrients, but I can't do that with what I have."

"Okay, understood." I send off the order, getting the notification that it'll arrive in 40 minutes.

"Now can we talk about... this," she gestures to the two of us.

"Y-yeah. Where do you want to start?"

God, here begins the conversation. 

I turn to face her, eye contact may suck, but it's important for these conversations.

"First of all, I want you to know that me not contacting you after the kiss had nothing to do with you," she starts, "I was just really overwhelmed with work."

I sigh, like a weight's been lifted off of me, "well that's a relief. Not that it's good you were overwhelmed, obviously."

She laughs, "Second, you know I like you, and you kissed me, so I think you like me back."

"You thought right," I say, a blush rising in my face.

"Well that's a relief," she mimics me.

"So now that those two things are out of the way," I begin, "where do we go from here?"

"Where do you want us to go?"

I inhale, trying to conjure the words to explain myself, "I can see us in a good relationship, and that's something I'd really like to have."

"I feel the same," she says before I can continue talking, "sorry if I cut you off."

"It's okay. What I need to know, though, is do you have the time for a relationship? I don't want to overwhelm you even more." 

Now it's her turn to pause and think.

"I honestly don't know," she answers, "I've never really had this crazy of a schedule. I'd really like to try, though."

"I understand that," I tell her, "I want to try too."

"Thank you for asking me that, it was super considerate of you." she squeezes my hand and quickly kisses my lips.

Jenna's POV:

Wow, I can't even begin to explain how down bad I am for Y/N. I mean, it's hard not to be down bad for someone like her.

"Will you stay over tonight?" I ask her. She nods. Immediately a smile makes its way across my face.

"You're the best, Y/N/N."

"I try," she blushes.

Our food comes a while later. I haven't eaten fish for years, and god having it again upset my stomach. I guess I'm not used to meat yet.

Y/N stays up with me for a few hours, holding my hair back the first time I vomited, and holding me close while I complained of all sorts of nauseous ailments.

"What if I vomit on you?" I ask worriedly.

"Then you'll have to buy me a new shirt," she laughs, rubbing my back.

"Careful what you wish for," I smirk, all sorts of ideas coming into my head.

"Mind out of the gutter, Ortega," she chuckles, kissing my forehead, "not when you could vomit at any minute."

"Fine," I laugh softly, "I'm gonna try to get some sleep now."

"You do that," she smiles.

"Good night Y/N/N," I lean up to kiss her.

"Good night J," she responds.

It doesn't take me long to fall asleep next to her. Whenever I'm with her, I feel like I belong, like I'm meant to be there.

Sleeping is a lot better when you're comfortable.

Jenna Ortega - an Americano, pleaseWhere stories live. Discover now