Part 3

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Author's Note:

I want to apologize because it took longer than expected to have this chapter ready.

*WARNING*: Strong depictions of violence.

Discretion advised (always wanted to say that)

I am expecting the next chapter will be the last.




Nurse Blainey was desperately pouring potions on Ominis' throat, not even giving the boy a chance to catch his breath. The woman was moving frantically around him, reciting healing spells and finding potions of different colours and textures.

Ominis was prostrated on the table closest to the window, using his arms to stop the wave of liquid being poured on him. Sebastian thought it would be a funny scene, had it not been for the fact that his friend had been unconscious only ten minutes ago. He had fainted just outside of the cave, and Sebastian's broom was slightly splintered due to supporting the extra weight, while they flew to Hogwarts.

Now Ominis was disoriented, with only a dirty white shirt in complete disarray and moving his head frantically.

- Where...?

- We were on the bridge near the forbidden forest – Sebastian had been practising this excuse -. A spider came out of nowhere and...

- At six thirty in the morning? – She placed an ointment on a laceration, and it closed without leaving a scar. She proceeded to do the same to a wound on his arm – You better not be lying to me Mr. Sallow.

- I swear – his hands went up in defence -, he jumped out of the way and hit his head.

Ominis eyes glared.

- And all the debris on his clothes?

- I... had to roll on the dirt – Ominis was disgusted with the smell of the cream -. What in Merlin's name are you putting on me? It's foul.

- Mr Gaunt, keep your head down.

Ominis tried to sit.

- I said down – she pushed his head against the pillow.

- I am fine!

Nurse Blainey pinched Ominis' nose and as soon as he opened his mouth in protest, she poured another potion on his throat. This time Sebastian couldn't stop himself from snorting.

- You have a severe concussion, Mr Gaunt! I'll have to inform the headmaster and your parents...

- NO!

-NO! That won't be necessary.

The woman rolled her eyes, already knowing they were concealing the truth from her.

- Listen here, my job is to look after your well-being. If you two are going to keep putting yourselves in danger, I'll have a conversation with Headmaster Black.

- Please – Sebastian activated his puppy eyes -. We made a mistake. It won't happen again.

She didn't respond but also didn't make a move to send the notification.

- See that you won't.

Ominis' brain was barely capable of following the conversation anymore. His mind was getting fuzzy and although he no longer had a headache, his body felt heavy. The conversation started to become muted and abstract.

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