Part 6

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This chapter is a bit longer, enjoy :)

3rd POV
Dark Enchantress cookie appeared in front of them, as bone chilling as always.

Everyone's voices started overlapping.
"Dark Enchantress Cookie!?"
"Why are you here!?"
"Leave us alone!"

Licorice and the other... ex-members of the CoD?? Anyways, Licorice and the others just stood in silence and shock, also in fear for what could happen.

Dark Enchantress said nothing but smiled in a very sinister way. It sent chills down everyone's spines. She silently nabbed Licorice and the others. Pm, DC, RV, and Licorice stuggle in her grasp, panicking and horrified, knowing her power over them.

She laughed like this was the funniest joke ever and just disappeared without a trace, leaving behind ruin at where she had appeared.

PV stood there, shocked and silent. He looked as if the verge of tears but pushed those feelings down and balled his hand into a fist, face filled with anger.

"We will find you guys."


Licorice woke up first, but in a dungeon cell alongside everyone who had gotten abducted by their former leader.

"... So you're finally awake."

The horrible yet familiar voice startled him, making him turn around sharply to see that sly grin on the cookie that he hated so much.

"Missed me?"

Licorice gritted his teeth but said nothing.

"Giving me the silent treatment, are we?"

Licorice still didn't answer, but he turned around to check on PM, who was lying next to where he woke up.


Pomegranate then let out a spark of magic that made a short yet unbearable pain in his hand. He held his wrist in pain and squeezed his eyes shut on the verge of crying.

Pomegranate rolled her eyes and woke up everyone up with the same magic. PM shot up and started holding the side of their arm in pain, Licorice hugging them in hopes to comfort them as best he could.

RV's eyes shot open, but he sat up slowly, feeling pain on the side of his stomach. DC, who was already sleeping sitting, woke up and held his neck.

They all looked at Pomegranate with hate and fear, knowing this wouldn't be the worst that they'd have to endure.

Pomegranate looked to her left, lowered her head, and dissipated as if she was just an illusion.

DE(Dark Enchantress) came into the room and, even worse than Pomegranate, said nothing as she tormented them.

She gave a straight pokerface and didn't give them a clue as to how she felt.

When would this end?

And will they be saved?


Hours passed, and their bodies were battered and bruised. DE just resulted in trying and turning them to her side as they were once before, but they resisted with everything she threw at them.

DE was getting quite angry at this point, and stopped. She said one thing before she left.

"Since you guys only want to resist my offers to let you come back, I will just let you guys starve here. You are no use to me."

She disappeared, and the door suddenly shut and locked, preventing anyway of them getting out.

PM, not as hurt as the other three, hugged Licorice to the point where they were holding on tightly, but not hurting Licorice.

RV and DC moved closer to the other two, holding each other close, hoping that they would be saved.


PV and a large group of cookies stared at the building that is said to be the lair of DE.

They had to fight their way in as there were many opponents trying to stop them from saving their... friends? Allies? Didn't matter. They had to save them from inevitable death.

They fought for what felt like hours, days, maybe even.

This fight would be quite a long one. They hoped for the four cookies to be alright, hopefully able to endure whatever they have to go through.


Finally, they made it inside the tall, grim looking building that stood tall in front of them.

They charged through, fighting whatever it was inside, and found a few odd looking items that looked like it belonged in this impressive looking building.

They found a few weird looking coins or chips used for poker, but it wasn't as interesting as the bat shaped key they found. They kept it just in case.

It was a good thing they kept said key because they then fought a bunch of enemies down a long corridor and found Licorice's allies, Batcat and Schwarzwalder, trapped inside a cage.

They used the key they had found in the room before to let them out. Batcat and Schwarzwalder thanked them and offered to help find the other four.

They knew where they were, just not where said place was exactly.

They kept going, raiding the building, and failing to find where the other four were.

The others, now starting to feel absolutely starving, despite it have only being three-ish days, was laying in the corner of the cell, huddled together as the building, despite it usually being quite warm, was very, very cold in the dungeon.

They huddled into DC's now slightly torn cape and PM cuddled into Licorice's, despite how it looked, surprisingly soft robe, feeling as there was no hope.

That is, until they heard a banging on the dungeon's main door, but they were all too weak to get up and check, so they stood still, waiting for whatever was banging on the door.

They all were startled by the loud crashing noise and saw a few cookies on top of the now broken dungeon door.

Their eyes lit up as they knew they were saved. The same cookies that broke down the door also broke the cell door, picking up the hurt cookies that were all together in the corner.

With the power of all the magic cookies, they then (impressively)teleport everyone back to the now reconstructed kingdom.

Everyone welcomed them back, and then the healer cookies immediately started healing PM, DC, RV, and Licorice. Cacao was even glad to see that they were all safe.

They all also got food and were nursed back to health, PM was easiest as they weren't as injured as the other three, but all of them didn't to be bedridden for as long as they thought.

They all had started warming up to everyone in the kingdom, and Licorice finally got to reunite with Batcat and Schwarzwalder after all that had happened.

Although they were safe, they were all still cautious for what is to come since DE and Pomegranate are still out there, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

They just hoped to have some peace for a little bit longer.


Damn, this chapter was a lot longer than the previous ones

I don't know what I should do next with the story, so feel free to give some suggestions or ideas

Have a lovely morning/day/night!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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