Betty shook her head at Charlotte but the smile remained, "You didn't."

Charlotte hugged her sister tightly, "Happy birthday Betty. You deserve this, tonight it's all about you and how much we love you. We're celebrating you."

"I love you Charley." Mumbled Betty stroking the back of her sisters head.

The room began to bustle about again, conversations sparking on their own and people getting more drinks in. Flora came running up to Betty, she grabbed the side of her dress tightly pulling it slightly to get her attention. "Betty did you hear me shout surprise?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes Flora, out of all those voices I heard yours." Laughed Betty, Flora beamed proudly.

"Happy birthday Betty." Spoke Eliza in a quiet voice from behind Charlotte.

"Thank you Eliza." Replied Betty with a smile, "Come here." She held her arm out and gestured to Eliza with a nod after a few minutes. Charlotte smiled as Eliza accepted the hug with a big smile, her eyes closed in content as she gripped onto her eldest sister.

Charlotte simply couldn't contain herself, she squealed as she joined in with the hug. "I love when we're all friends."

Flora caught the excitement too and ran into the group hug, "Yay!". She didn't seem exactly too sure of what she cheering for but she was overjoyed to join in anyway.

Charlotte laughed as she pulled away and picked Flora up, spinning her around once as she giggled. "You're so sweet Flora."

"As are you 'Liza and of course you Bet."

"Charley you are the sweetest of us all." Said Betty with a smile, "You did all this!"

"I wont argue that." Agreed Eliza.

Arthur came up beside Charlotte and threw an arm around her shoulder, "Betty!" He cheered raising his drink in the air.

"Arthur!" Mimicked Betty, not as loud and she was giving the man a strange look.

"He's been here not even an hour and he's already drunk." Said Eliza tilting her head to the side and sending Arthur a pointed look as she pulled out of the hug.

"I'm not drunk." Retaliated Arthur.

"Yes you are." Replied Eliza, crossing her arms.

"No I'm not." Said Arthur again, Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"You do look drunk Arthur." Said Flora absentmindedly playing with her hair.

"How would you even know what drunk is Flora?"

Flora gasped, "I do know! I know loads of things, more than you." She smiled smugly.

Charlotte laughed as Betty shook her head, "Arguing with children Arthur. The fact you're loosing makes it even worse as well."

Arthur rolled his eyes at the teasing and then took Betty's hand making her a twirl on the spot, "Let's go get the birthday girl a drink."

Betty shrugged with a teasing smile, "If you insist. Tonight is my night off! No parenting duties for me."

"Yay!" Mumbled Charlotte widening her eyes at Eliza, "You're in charge of your brother and sister." She pointed at Flora teasingly.

Flora giggled excitedly while Eliza did a mocking gasp of shock, "Come on Flora, let's go tell Danny the good news." Laughed Eliza, holding her younger sisters hand as they walked off.

Charlotte was stood alone for a mere few seconds before she felt someone grab her hand and begin to pull her to the doors of the garrison, "Erm Tom, party is the other way."

FINE LINE | t. shelbyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz