13 | family meeting

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Charlotte, despite drinking a ridiculous amount last night and not being able to remember a single thing, woke up that morning feeling surprisingly fresh. She had no idea how she had gotten home in one piece but she had woken up comfortably in her room, in her own bed. Currently, she was pottering around the house which was unusually empty humming to herself as she cleaned the kitchen. When she woke up that morning everyone had already left the house. She heard the front door open and placed the rag she was cleaning with down on the countertop watching the door way to kitchen expectedly.

She smiled when Alex walked in, "Morning Alex."

"Morning." Laughed Alex, "Hate to break it to you Charley but morning has passed. I see you've recovered then."

Charlotte rolled her eyes, "I am perfectly fine thank you. I didn't need to recover."

"You didn't see yourself last night." Whistled Alex, "You're impossible when you're drunk, too stubborn to deal with. I left you in the garrison."

Charlotte scoffed, "Lovely of you."

Alex held his hands up, "I signed up to help parent three children, I don't need another."

"Parent. That's a bold statement." Teased Charlotte.

Alex rolled his eyes, "Shut up. I do my bit."

"You do. How successfully is besides the point." 

"Right enough." Tutted Alex, "We've got a meeting, come on." He gestured towards the door.

"A meeting?" Questioned Charlotte.

"That is what I said." 

"That is what I said." Mumbled Charlotte in a mimicking town as she went to grab her coat, as she was putting it on she groaned. "Is it necessary to be there, I really can't be bothered. Most meetings end up in the same argument where we storm out one by one and Thomas will do his own thing regardless of everyone else. Just fill me in later." Charlotte waved her hand.

Alex rolled his eyes, "Yes Charley you have to be there. Betty is already there she's forcing me to come and she sent me to get you. I quote from her, if one of us is suffering then we're all suffering. Also, this can't be bothered attitude is the hangover kicking in."

"I am not hungover!" Defended Charlotte, whacking Alex over the head as she headed out the house.

"Can you even remember anything?" Asked Alex as he shut the door.

Charlotte huffed, "Pf, of course I can."

Alex turned to eye his sister suspiciously before turning back around to lock the door, "How did you get home?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Mumbled Charlotte turning away and beginning to walk down their road.

"Hungover." Alex laughed quietly to himself.

"So any idea what this meeting is about then?" Asked Charlote as they walked towards the garrison.

"John's ordered it, said he has got a really important announcement."

Charlotte hummed, "Exciting."

Alex laughed, "Maybe. Then again, John finds discounted loafs of bread at the bakery an important announcement."

"True." Laughed Charlotte.

Charlotte and Alex arrived at the garrison, "Getting drunk PTSD?" Teased Alex.

Charlotte gasped, "No! How many times I am not hungover. Anyway, you shouldn't joke about that. Sensitive subject Alex."

"Charley I've got to joke or I'll cry and drink more than I already do." Laughed Alex.

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