17 | faith

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Charlotte nearly choked on air at Polly's question, "Love? I don't love anyone Polly. Except all you of course, my family. That's it."

Polly actually laughed out loud, "Charley you are the most loving person I have ever met, that's your weakness. You are the last person who wouldn't love anyone. Now you know full well I am not talking about family love."

"Weakness? Cheers Pol." Scoffed Charlotte, half jokingly of course. She knew that to be true, she knew she was someone who loved too hard, forgave too easily and naively loved. She had a lot of love to give in a world that is far too cruel to be deserving of it.

"Let me finish!" Scolded Polly, gently whacking Charlotte's arm, there was a teasing tone to her voice too. "You love too easily and far too kindly. However, it's also your strength. Don't be in denial of it or ignore it. It gives you the power to fight and the strength to stand up. I reckon it gives other people some strength too, some encouragement and motivation. I know it keeps a certain nephew of mine not so reckless. But of course, you 'don't love anyone'."

Charlotte blushed, she knew exactly what Polly was insinuating. "You're not the first person today to be throwing those accusations around."

"We're not blind Charley. We never have been." Polly tilted her head to the side as she spoke and gave the girl a knowing look.

"We're friends again. That's all." Charlotte's eyes drifted across the room to where Tommy was stood.

"Ah, so we're back to being just friends." Polly put a sarcastic emphasis on the 'just friends' part, "Well it is very nostalgic, like old times. Better than arguing I suppose. I tell you, I can't wait for the day where you two grow up and face the facts that have been clear as day since you were teenagers."

Charlotte laughed lightly and shook her head, "Because you always know everything Pol."

"One of my many talents." Shrugged Polly, "It's nearly six, wont Betty be here soon."

"Oh my god you're right." Said Charlotte standing up quickly, "I better start settling this lot down." 

Charlotte wandered over where Alex was, "Alex Betty will be here soon. Can you quiet everyone down."

"Oi, you lot!" Shouted Alex, everyone went silent immediately and turned their attention to Alex.

"Well that was easier than I thought." Whispered Charlotte before clearing her throat and speaking louder, "Right, Betty will be here any minute now so we all need to stay quiet until she comes through the doors. Then we shout surprise."

"Charley we know how a surprise party works." Shouted Arthur in a teasing tone.

"Wouldn't surprise me if you didn't." Smiled Charlotte sarcastically.

Everyone settled down around the room, some stood at the bar while others were seated at the various tables. The room was silent and Charlotte chewed her nail anxiously as she stared at the doors waiting for Betty to arrive. She had told her sister to meet her for some birthday drinks, she had no idea she had made a whole celebration. A hand pulled her arm down which broke her out of her trance, she smiled when she realised it was Tommy. "Why do you look so nervous? Everything is fine Lottie, you've planned this to perfection. Calm down."

"Thank you. I just hope she likes it and realises how much we all appreciate her." Said Charlotte.

"She will." Nodded Tommy.

After a few moments Betty strolled through the garrison doors, there was a loud chorus of 'surprise' and cheers. Betty's face looked completely shocked and confused, her brow furrowed as she glanced across the room. Charlotte could've squealed with delight when a small smile took over Betty's face, she rushed forward to her older sister. 

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