6 | eventful few days

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Charlotte was sat at her kitchen table half asleep having not long woke up with her hands wrapped around a warm cup of tea. Flora was parading around the table in circles entertaining herself while Betty stood at the end packing lunches into three brown paper bags for Eliza and Dan and Finn. This was how most mornings during the week started off for the Winslow's, they had a routines and they stuck to them. Mostly thanks to Betty of course.

"Flora why are you so hyperactive this morning?" Laughed Charlotte watching the girl skip circles around the table, "More than usual."

"Last nights antics. It's thrown her out of routine and she stayed up way past her bedtime. Recon the lack of sleep is getting to her?" Complained Betty.

"Probably." Shrugged Charlotte taking a sip of her drink.

"Will you sit down? I'm getting dizzy just watching you." Scolded Betty taking a seat at the table after she finished the lunches.

Flora just carried on skipping around, "I don't feel tired at all."

Betty rolled her eyes, "Well I am so if you know what's good for you you'll sit down."

Charlotte rolled her eyes at Betty's strictness before scooping Flora up as she ran past where she was seated, Flora squealed as Charlotte twirled her up and onto the counter. "What are we gonna do with you?" Smiled Charlotte, Flora giggled as Charlotte tickled her.

"Morning." Grumbled Eliza as she strolled into the kitchen and took a seat beside Charlotte.

"Morning Eliza!" Squealed Flora sliding across the counter and throwing her hands around the girl.

"Woah Flora, voice is way too high for this time of the morning." Groaned Eliza but she hugged her sister back anyway.

Charlotte slid a plate of breakfast over to her sister, "Thanks Charley." She smiled.

"Where's Dan?" Asked Betty.

"Still in bed." Answered Eliza, nonchalant as she ate her breakfast.

Charlotte winced preparing for Betty to freak out, "You what?" She replied.

"He's still in bed." Repeated Charlotte, with an attempt of a smile at Betty to diffuse the situation.

"Eliza." Betty rubbed her eyes, "Did you not think that you should've woke him up when he went back to sleep?"

Eliza shrugged, "I'm not responsible for him. I have to get myself ready you know."

"Right, of course. Eliza's world and we're all just living in it." Mumbled Betty.

"Betty you can't blame me for Dan going back to sleep. You always tell us now we're getting older we can be more responsible for ourselves." Hummed Eliza.

"That's true." Agreed Charlotte, Betty's head snapped to Charlotte. "What? You do always say that!" Noticing her sisters glare she turned to Eliza and attempted to look serious, "Eliza you could've woken Dan up. It's nearly time to go now you'll both be late."

"Charley the disciplinary." Betty rolled her eyes, the exchange between Eliza and Charlotte was hardly a serious telling off.

Eliza smiled, "I wont be late, Dan will."

Charlotte bit back a laugh at Eliza and instead just put her hand over her mouth as she rested her elbow on the table. "This house." Grumbled Betty with an eye roll.

Charlotte laughed as she walked over to Betty putting an arm around her shoulder and squeezing her cheek teasingly, "Eliza pack it in, look you're sending Bet into an early death."

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