~Before Twilight~

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Bellatrix Lily Rivera-Borbón had many talents, and she cherished every one of them. From playing the piano to painting

In her human life, she was greatly praised for it. Of course, when she was alive, she was the most wanted girl in her village—for her beauty, talents, and undying kindness.

Although men never looked past beauty, it was one of the many ugly qualities they had. It's why she never trusted them—well,  one of the reasons.

"Bellatrix." A voice snapped the vampire out of her trance as she stood inside her room. Her new room.

They had just moved from Alaska, and their age was getting too suspicious. Her family, the Cullen Coven, had just moved back to Forks, Washington.

Their coven leader, Carlisle, played the role of dad; he was a doctor, although not from modern times, but he kept it up.

His mate and wife, Esme, had joined the coven; she was their 'mother' in many ways. She was a sweet and kind-hearted woman with a tragic past. It made Bellatrix mostly hate humanity for what they do to women.

Then there was Alice, their 'sister'. She was as dainty as a fairy and just as small. She was hyper, making Bellatrix think she had a form of ADHD when she was human, and it only enchanted when she turned, and no one knew how she turned. She lost her memories, which can be a side effect of turning, although it is rare. She had the gift of visions, being able to see into the future, but not in command.

Then her mate, Jasper Bellatrix liked Jasper. He was a well-spoken and proper man, something Bellatrix appreciated as it made her feel like she was back home, although his accent always put her off. He was from the Wild West and served in the Civil War, but on the wrong side of the fight.
Jasper has grown and learned from the ages, mostly with the help of Alice, and with his hunger too. He wasn't adapting well to the vegan lifestyle, but it was their coven rule.

Rosalie was one of the most enchanting vampires Bellatrix had seen. Bellatrix wouldn't lie when she said she didn't think Rosalie was beautiful; she was. Everyone did. When Rosalie was human, she was the most eligible woman in her city. Her tragic turn made Bellatrix's blood fume, for a few reasons. She had gotten into fights with Carlisle when she found out he turned on Rosalie for a selfish reason. She had been through so much, and yet he decided to curse her with eternity on a possible thing that he was wrong about.

Although when Bellatrix watched Rosalie with her mate Emmet, it made her smile. The two were opposites in everything, but that's what made them perfect. Emmet was like a little brother to Bellatrix; he was always goofing around, enjoying the little things in life, and overall, he had a bright personality.

Then there was the damper in the light of the house, Edward. Bellatrix hardly got along with the boy. Compared to everyone else's stories, his wasn't anything. She wasn't going to put down his trauma, but he was tragic. He had the Spanish flu and was deathly sick before his mother begged Carlisle to turn him around. And he was all broody about not finding a mate and his life being miserable. Bellatrix thought if he was less selfish, maybe the world would gift him with a mate.

Setting down her last box, Bellatrix looked around her room. It was the furthest away from Edwards and pretty spacious for a vampire's needs. Taking a deep breath in and slowly releasing the useless air, she let her magic flow out of her body, unboxing her items, and within a few minutes everything was where it needed to be.

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