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"Dance of blades" her voice sounds robotic as several pieces of metal began to brim with life around the battle field, several curious eyes looming. She had one chance, one chance to impress the elder's of the visit, and as she took a glance towards her elderly grandfather, she knew failure would not be an option. Curling her fingers into a fist, several swords, kunai's, and various weapons began creating a typhoon, a wind style jutsu recently perfected.

"It's impressive" one of the elder's whisper towards Danzo Shimura who didn't seem to have any reaction to such a compliment.

"Scatter" her voice sings above the whirling winds, and without a moment's hesitation those once circling weapons scatter through out the entire field, striking target after target, and real enemy would have been helpless to evade such a large scale attack. 

Once the very last target concludes, the weapons drop to the ground before vanishing into thin air, leaving nothing but a burnt leaf in their stead. Briefly she glances towards her grandfather who's expression hadn't changed an ounce, before finally drawing her attention towards the competition board. Itachi Uchiha was her next opponent, and considering the lack of attention she had been receiving, the odds were set against her.

"Daiya" quickly her attention draws back towards Danzo "you've done well today my child" she knows better than to trust those words, it was all a show to put on for the prying eyes that curiously loomed over them. "If you win today, you can take the evening off."

One may question what kind of grandfather would ever use their grandchild as an experiment to some jutsu's and techniques. Daiya however, came to understand that it was all for the betterment of the village, the small sacrifices one makes for something larger than themselves. She would carry that burden, so that other's wouldn't have too, and if that meant defeating the prophecy Uchiha in battle, than so be it, she would do what was expected.


"You didn't have to be so rough with me" she sighed while patching the open wound that had been the finishing of their battle. 

Of course she never truly expected to beat the older male, hearing several stories from Danzo and some of the ANBU that came and went through the halls. However to see his power up close, and to feel it personally, she pitied any foe whom stood within his path. There was no question that Itachi Uchiha was destined to be a wonderful shinobi, that his path would be filled of history's making. 

"If I showed you mercy" he spoke, taking over the bandages and tightening them around the small wound on her forearm, a soft groan slipping past her lips "then I would be insulting you, and failing you."

"Yeah yeah, you sound like pa." She whined, and though she herself had seen enough of death and life, people tend to forget she was only a small child, at the age of seven. Perhaps that's why Itachi took a liking to her so instantly, for she reminded him of his younger brother, constantly seeking the approval of those she loved, eager to train, eager to win.

"Itachi..." he glances up from the wound, stunned to see the bright smile offered within his direction "one day, I will beat you fair and square. You can count on that!" A soft giggle floods the surrounding air, light hearted and beautiful, a sound he'd try to remember while traveling the decisions he'd be forced to make.

"I hope so" his hand falls within the blonde strands of her hair, ruffling the soft strings until they stood a mess atop of her head. "Did you want to go hang out with Sasuke today? I'll be a bit busy and I don't want to hurt his feelings."

"He's so annoying though!" She gasped when a soft pain throbbed at her forehead, her eyes widened when seeing the smiling older looking down at her. Briefly she rubs at the sore spot, almost ashamed of her words while glancing away. "Fine... I'll go to the academy and find him. Maybe we can practice together."

"I'm glad" his smile had overtime, become something rather precious to her, and it is declared upon the heat of her cheeks, the pink hues that kiss at them. "Thank you, for being his friend."

"Not by choice" she argues with a soft hmph, rubbing at the well bandaged wound while setting off towards the academy, but not before turning around and offering one last smile. "You'll owe me a date later!" 

Not the shy type to hide her affections towards the older, as he wasn't shy enough to hide the shaking of his head, before vanishing into the night as he often did.

The Tales we Tell { Sasuke X OC }Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin