"I am heading to the Bridgertons, mama, I shan't be long." She announces as she grabs her coat, but before she can go, her mother says solemnly," I am afraid you cannot go to the Bridgertons today, Lizzie."

Elizabeth looks up at that in shock. Her parents and her brother are say glumly as they look back at her; a letter in her fathers hand that Elizabeth can tell is Anthony Bridgertons handwriting. Something is wrong, she can feel it in her gut.

"Why ever not?" Elizabeth asks and she glances to Edward, who has tears lining his eyes as their father begins to explain how Viscount Edmund Bridgerton had sadly passed away, and that now Anthony— at only nineteen— was the new Viscount Bridgerton, and that the family wishes for no visitors at this time due to illness from Lady Violet Bridgerton, and out of respect for the mourning family.

"I need to see Colin." Is the first thing  Elizabeth is able to say as she leans against the door frame. Her mother looks up at her, eye brows raised as she states," you cannot right now."

"He'll need a friend, mama, as will Benedict. If Lady Bridgerton is unwell and Anthony is now the viscount; it means that Benedict is the one having to take care of the children. He shall need help from Eddie and I." Elizabeth explains and Edward nods almost immediately in agreement.

Lord and Lady Giles glance at one another, as if they're having a conversation just with their eyes. The two loved one another deeply, to the point where Elizabeth often thought that they could hold a long conversation just by looking at one another, communicating telepathically. She wished to have that with someone, some day, just hopefully not any time soon.

"You can try and see if they'll accept your company; if not, you come straight home." Lord Giles responds, and almost immediately, his children are rushing out of the house and down towards Aubrey Hall.

It is seven year old Eloise who opens the door, causing the two Giles siblings to glance at one another uncomfortably. The young girl just smiles up at them, excitedly exclaiming "Beth!" as she grabs onto Elizabeth's hand before she drags her into the house, Edward following after.

"Benedict and Colin are going to be so happy you are both here, everybody is very upset. We could have some joy in here!" Eloise explains as they walk through the opening hall of the house, Edward having looped his arm through his sisters.

They reach the drawing room; where Benedict is trying to calm down a tantruming two year old Gregory, whilst Daphne is trying to entertain Francesca and calm down Colin— who is crying quietly in the corner. He spots his best friend, and in an instant, he is over to her with his arms open; desperately needing a hug and melting into it once it has been received.

"Need help?" Edward asks Benedict, who looks to be on the verge of tears as Gregory keeps up his tantrum. The older Bridgerton nods, and Edward takes Gregory for a while so that Benedict can have a moment to himself.

"Thank you for coming." Colin whispers into Elizabeth's ear and she smiles as she responds with," you're my best friend, Col. I cannot leave your side at a sad time like this."

They stay in the drawing room for two hours; just entertaining the younger children whilst Edward disappears off to find Benedict. The two return a little later, Benedict holding onto his sketchbook, his eyes focussed upon a settee; where he quietly sits down and begins to sketch. Elizabeth makes her way over to him, sitting down beside him and he glances at her.

"You are not alone with this, Benny." She states and he nods." You have most likely had this conversation with my brother, huh?"

"That I have." Benedict responds, his throat hoarse from crying. Elizabeth watches his hands as he sketches, and then glances up towards his face, looking at those blue eyes that, whilst sad; are now focussed on the task at hand.

"What are you drawing?" Asks the young girl, and Benedict smiles at the question; although it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"I am practicing drawing eyes." He responds, showing her the page of where three pairs of eyes are." These are Colin's, these are Edwards...and these are yours."


"Yes, your eyes...they're quite fun to draw, I must say. They're different from your brothers. They are very pretty." Benedict replies, causing the girl to blush. She was aware that she had a slight romantic interest in her best friends big brother; but she wasn't used to compliments from him. Usually they were teasing one another.

"I wish to learn to draw." Elizabeth admits and Benedict glances over at her, a small smile on his face that yet again does not quite reach his eyes.

"I could teach you, if you'd like?" He offers.

"You wouldn't mind? After everything that has happened, I do not wish to take up so much of your time." Elizabeth responds and Benedict chuckles softly before he replies with," I am offering because we are friends, Beth. If I did not wish to offer up some of my free time to teach you how to draw, I wouldn't have. It'll be a nice distraction from reality. I can teach you after your ballet classes for an hour every day, if you wish."

"Are you sure?" Elizabeth asks and Benedict chuckles once again as he says," yes, I'm sure. It is no bother."

"Thank you, Ben." She states, and she hugs him. He hugs her back and then, as soon as it had happened, it is over. Benedict goes back to drawing and Elizabeth is pulled away by Colin.


As she grew older, Elizabeth had hoped her silly romantic interest in Benedict Bridgerton would have faded, but here she sits at seventeen; with the twenty two year old sat beside her; sketching in his sketch pad whilst she draws in her own— her feelings for him still very much present. They're at the city residence; both families having moved more permanently into the city after the passing of Edmund Bridgerton. It's quiet in Benedict's studio, and Elizabeth hums slightly as the two draw together.

"Are you not expected to start your season, soon?" Benedict asks suddenly, breaking the silence that had been collecting for nearly three hours.

"Mother says I shall become a debutante just after my twenties have started. I have a few years to go before that." Elizabeth responds, focusing on the way a loose strand of brown hair curls just above Benedict's ear. She adds it onto her sketch of him." How come you have never courted anyone?"

"Marriage is not for me." Benedict responds, not looking at the girl as he says so." At least not yet. It's true, I am a romantic, but I would quite like to get an idea of where my future is headed before I decide to settle down. Even if my mother is desperate for either Anthony or I to marry."

"I have often wondered why Anthony is still single given that he is the Viscount...for you, it makes more sense, you're not the heir. You have time. But, then again, I suppose I could say the same for Eddie. He has not had a single girlfriend; he hasn't courted anyone, and as far as I know, he is still a virgin." Elizabeth rambles on, not noticing when Benedict tense after she has mentioned her brothers sex life.

"Anthony is too much of a perfectionist." He answers." And as for your brother, well, let's just say he's a little picky as well."

"Do you know something that I do not, Benedict?" Questions Elizabeth, sitting up slightly and letting her sketchbook fall closed onto her lap. Benedict clears his throat and says," it is not mine to say, Edward shall tell you, with time."

Just before the teenager can question any further, she is called away by Colin— who has claimed he has come to save her from boring Benedict. The older brother rolls his eyes, but just before Elizabeth leaves, he takes her hand in his and places a gentle kiss to the back of it; smiling up at her as he lets go. She tries to hide her blush, and she waves as she leaves the room; heading off to find wherever Colin has rushed off to.

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