She stares at both of them.

Minnie: I cannot express in word the disappointment I feel right now

The door opens and Umbridge steps into the room, smiling sickly.

"Here we go" sighed Dorcas.

Minnie: What is it, Dolores?
Umbitch: I thought you might need some additional authority in dealing with these two
Minnie: You thought wrong. Now kind,y remove yourself from my office

"Ooooo Minnie doesn't like Umbitch" sang Sirius. "Who does like her" Minnie rolled her eyes.

She turns back to George and Athena.

Minnie: Now, I don't care what Malfoy said. Your performance out there was shameful. Fifty points from Gryffindor, and I'm giving you both a weeks worth of detentions
Umbitch: I hardly think that's an adequate punishment for this
Athena: Nobody gives a shit WHAT YOU THINK! NOW PISS OFF
Minnie: Athena!
Athena: No! I'm sorry Minnie but I've had enough. I don't give a shit if your high inquisitor or high as a kite. You are a piece of shit. No one likes you. You are abusive. And I'll be damned if I have to listen to your voice. If I get expelled, so be it. At least I don't have to put up with your bullshit anymore

"Ooo she snapped" Bellatrix giggled. "Oh no, this ain't Athena snapping. No where near" Hermione said.

Minnie: What do you mean abusive, Athena?

Athena shows Minnie her hand. Minnie stares down before looking up at Umbitch with fire in her eyes.

Minnie: Get. Out. Now

Umbitch scurries out of the office.


The atmosphere in the common room is somber. The Gryffindor team sits by itself, dejected and depressed.

Angelina: I can't believe it...three players banned for life in one day...

"BANNED FOR LIFE" James shrieks, "yeah me, Fred and George all had our brooms take away too" Athena shrugged. "BROOMS TAKEN AWAY" James shouts before fainting. Just then Narcissa and Draco come back in, Draco looking paler then ever.

Hermione: I can't believe Umbridge didn't tell you guys that you were banned
George: [Chuckling] Umbridge didn't even get to batter an eyelid before Athena blew up on was fucking brilliant
Ron: I'm going to resign

Athena is slumped low in a chair.

Athena: You can't!
Ron: Im horrible! I should never have joined
Athena: If you quit, we'll be out four players!

Ron looks miserable.

Ron: This is the worst day of my life


Athena lies in bed. She dreams again...


We float along a dark corridor, inches from the floor. We come to another corridor and peer down it. It appears empty.

A great Python of a snake slithers down the empty corridor. It slowly makes its way past many doors, until it reaches, at last, another, larger door.

Behind it, an invisibility cloak falls to the floor in a shimmer of silver. Mr Weasley stands, drawing his wand. He fires a golden jinx at the snake. He misses. The snake strikes. Mr Weasley screams.

Athena Potter 🎞 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें