Start from the beginning

"JULIANNA COME HERE AT ONCE!" The old woman's voice bellowed as Julia say in the living room ignoring her calls. She was waisting away in a bed and Julia just kept her eyes on the tv.

"JULIANNA COME HERE NOW!" She called louder even banging something metal probably her bed pan. Julia sighs but stands and enters the room, it smells like old lady and it's now designed like a hospital room.

"Where have you been I've been calling." The now frail old woman spat as Julia stares at her blankly. "What do you want?" Julia asks avoiding the question making the old woman huff and make an exasperation to an cup.

"I need more water. You'd just want me to die right now wouldn't you?" The old woman says coldly as Julia doesn't even waiver.

"Get me more water." Julia's grandmother demands before looking at her tv that plays old reruns shows from her time. Julia stands taking the cup at a leisurely pace, she fills it up and walks even slower to the room.

Her grandmother refused a retiring home claiming to want to stay and die in her house rather then with a bunch of sinning strangers. The nearest retirement home in Atlanta and her grandmother said it was a sinning city so she declined.

10 hours later.

"JULIANNA!" The old woman yells in a broken tone and Julia growls but- she leaves her bed she was about to sleep in and loudly stomps all the way there. That way the old woman would stop howling like a damn banshee. That didn't matter because she still somehow couldn't hear.

"JULIANNA!" The woman calls right as Julia just rounds her door frame. "What?" Julia spat and the old woman glares briefly but waves her closer. "Come.... Child." She wheezes and Julia narrows her eyes suspiciously but comes to her side.

Her grandmother grabs her hand and holds it weakly, Julia's nose scrunched with distaste at her bony fingers.

"I think- I think this is it for me Julianna..... I wish I had more time to show you-.... The way of god but as long as you stay at the church you'll meet me in heaven." Her grandmother breathes heavily.

"Promise me Julianna..... promise me this all hadn't been a waste." Her grandmother pleads and Julia crouches to be more near her face.

"I promise grandmother." Julia whispers and the old lady smiles and is actually about to praise the 17 year old in front of her but Julia keeps speaking.

"I promise..... to go out and whore it up like my mother did. I promise to go do every bad sin known to man. I promise.... To never get married or have kids of my own...... your blood line ends here. Because you were nothing but a foul mouth old woman, who deserves nothing less then what she's getting right now. I promise to make everyone at church and in town know-..... that gods not fucking real. Because if he was? He wouldn't have let you and Marvin do what you've done. I'll be seeing you in hell grandmother." Julia says in a cold harsh tone.

Her grandmother just stares at her wide eyed yet weak looking as the heart monitor by her bed slowly drops. A loud beep ringing out as it flatlines for good, and for the first time in a long time..... Julia Wilson smiled.

She was free.


Julia follows Daryl out of the day care and they make their way to his bike in a hurry. She clings to him as he speeds a little more then normal to get to the prison sooner. The feel of the wind felt good and Julia sighed leaning her head to rest on his back tired from the day's activities.

THE COLD WAR (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now