Entrance Exam and Meeting an old friend

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Izuku looked to the woman he called Clara and spoke.

Izuku: Clara Oswald, it's been a while, it's good to see you again.

Izuku: Clara Oswald, it's been a while, it's good to see you again

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Clara: I'm happy to see you again Izuku.

Izuku: What are you doing here, I know you exist throughout the timeline, but what are you doing here at U.A.?

Clara: I was hired as staff by the Principal, he knows about me.

Izuku: Ah, I guess the Impossible Girl is going to be a hero.

Clara: I'm not trying to be a hero, but I guess you can say that.

Izuku: Well, I better get inside, hope I see you after the exam.

Clara: Good luck.

Izuku left and entered the exam hall. We now skip to the practical since Izuku obviously passed the written portion.

The exam starts and Izuku rushes in, he uses his sonic screwdriver to hack into the other robots to either turn them off or get them to attack the other robots.

The exam starts and Izuku rushes in, he uses his sonic screwdriver to hack into the other robots to either turn them off or get them to attack the other robots

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Izuku: Okay, that's 208 villain points and 56 rescue points, and if I'm correct the 0-pointer should be here in 3...2...1.

Just as Izuku anticipated the 0-pointer arrived and Izuku went after it.

Izuku: Now all I have to do is hack it, and then that girl will be safe.

Izuku points the sonic screwdriver at the 0-pointer and it stopped moving.

Izuku: Are you alright miss?

???: Yes, thank you *blush*.

Izuku: Well I better get going.

Present Mic: Can Izuku Midoriya please report to the observation booth?

Izuku: Right on time.

Izuku: See you around ma'am.

Izuku walked to the observation booth where Nezu had a smile on his face.

Nezu: It's been a while Doctor.

Izuku: It really has old friend.

Izuku walked up to Nezu and hugged him while the rest of the staff were confused.

Nezu: Sorry about that, this is Izuku Midoriya, also known as "The Doctor".

Izuku: Well actually I only took the name after the last Doctor retired.

Aizawa: So I have a healer in my class.

Nezu: No Aizawa, not that kind of Doctor.

Nezu pulls out a newspaper that dated back to the pre-quirk era and Izuku and the 11th Doctor was on the front page.

Midnight: But that can't be you, you still look like a kid.

Izuku: Appearances can be deceiving, especially if they don't have a quirk.

Nezu: The Doctor is actually an alien known as a Timelord with technology that allows both space and time travel, Izuku here is actually much older than he currently is.

Izuku: The only reason is that when near death the Timelords can decide to regenerate, however when that happens they end up in a body somewhere in their mid-30s and with a different appearance, I'm the only exception since I have The Doctor's DNA in my bloodstream, so I'm only part Timelord.

Vlad King: So you were there for every major event in history.

Izuku: Correction, events that weren't part of history.

Izuku then explains the Doctor and his adventures as well as the anomaly that appeared in Japan.

Nezu: If it is a threat we'll leave it to you.

Cementoss: But sir-

Izuku: I'm not a kid, I'm much older than most of you, and I'll have you know, this is my matter to resolve, also Nezu you are establishing a dorm system right?

Nezu: Yes, and they are welcome to stay so long as they don't disrupt the class.

Izuku: Thank you, sir.

All Might: Sir, how do you know him, and who were you referring to?

Nezu: To answer the last question, the Doctor has companions that he travels with, and for the first one, he was one of the people that helped save me during the experiments.

Aizawa: Well, I can tell that this kid will be a great hero in the future.

And that will be all for today, hope you all enjoyed this, I worked really hard on it, and I will see you next time.

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