♡ Chapter- 3 ♡

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She cared for him when
no one did for him but he don't
know to react to her care.


Ekansh came home today sharp at 6:00 in the evening just like his grandfather ordered. It's not like that he is scared of his grandfather or something so that he came home early but the main reason for his on time arrival is to protect his lovely C.E.O post that he earned from working very hard. He can't let anyone take that position and power he earned at any cost.

As he entered his mansion he saw the trio of Reeyan, Riya and Meera laughing and talking with each other. He decided to ignore the trio and go to his room to freshen up. He was walking past them but halted on his steps as the trio called him.

He looked at them and waited for them to continue. "Bhai , everyone left and we four are the only left so please freshen up quickly. I can't wait more to see bhabhi please. I am so excited that I can't handle the excitement more. So please get ready quickly ok." Meera said to his brother and the twins nodded on Meera's statement.

" Bhai, I see you came on exact time which dadu told you for the very first time in your life. Are you that desperate to meet your soon-to-be wife and our bhabhi. Mhmm tell me tell me bhai" Reeyan said with mischievous grin on his face and teased his brother. Other two laughed loudly at Reeyan's comment.
Ekansh glared at all making their mouth shut and gone towards his room to get ready.

After a refreshing bath he came downstairs in his black three piece suit , neatly gelled hair , diamond cufflinks that had printed his name and a diamond watch. He looked like a five course meal with the two buttons of his shirt open and on top of that his cold grey eyes which are very rare.
( Ohh how I wish to have these Ekansh in my life. I am silly to think that I know - Your author:)

" If you all are done with talking and laughing can we go ?" Ekansh said and the trio looked at him who was standing in all glory. There mouth hang open seeing their brother looking devilishly handsome. " You are looking Soo handsome bahi". The trio mumbled together at the same time.

Ekansh looked at them weirdly and spoken little bit loudly to make them come into their senses "If you all are done then can we go now ". The trio came in their senses and said "huhhuu yes yes let's go."

With that Riya and Meera went outside the mansion going towards their car. While Reeyan was with Ekansh said " Bhai bhabhi is going to fall for you as soon as she will see you. You are looking damm handsome. If I were a girl I would have married you right away."

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