Nikhil already knew what's happening but waited for their reactions.

Swati: I'm pregnant.
She declared and everyone just couldn't hold themselves anymore to be more happier.

Mrs Malhotra: Oh my god! Really.
She asked coming towards her and her daughter in law nodded her happily.

Mr Malhotra: Congratulations to both of you then.
He said hugged his son and patted her daughter in laws head.

Nikhil & Swati: Thank you Dad.
They both said smiling to each other.

Ada: Congratulations bhai and bhabhi, why didn't you said earlier?.
She said hugging both of them.

Nikhil: We thought of telling everyone at the dinner but-
He was cut off by his wife.

Swati: But, I thought this would be the perfect time to tell now as you also said your answer.
She said completing the half sentence.

Mrs Malhotra: Good, you told sooner. Today we really blessed with the happiness.
She said patting the heads of her daughter and daughter in law.

Akash: Congratulations bhai and bhabhi.
He said becoming both emotional and happy.

Nikhil: Thank you Akki.

Swati: Thank you chote devar.
She said chuckling at Akash.

Mr Malhotra called his friend.

Mr Malhotra: Hello, Ajay.
He said soon as someone picked the phone.

Mr Singhania: Yes, Rahul bol.
Another voice speaked from the other side of the phone.

Mr Malhotra: It's a yes from us.
He said making the other person go blank.

Mr Singhania: Oh lord!! Thank you so much for giving for daughter to us.

Mr Malhotra: Why are you thanking me, you should thank your son as he and you captured all of our hearts in one meet.
He said laughing happily.

Mr Singhania: Yeah, I probably should. So when should I come to fix the date for engagement.
He also said laughing happily.

Mr Malhotra: When ever you want Ajay.

Mr Singhania: Okay, then we are coming on this Wednesday.

Mr Malhotra: Okay, I will look forward to it.
With that they ended their call happily.

Mr Malhotra announced that Mr Singhania's family is coming on Wednesday to fix the dates.

Ada: Dad, I have request.
She said looking at her father.

Mr Malhotra: Yes, go ahead.
He said assuring her.

Ada: I still want to work after getting married.
She said a bit hesitantly.

Mr Malhotra: Okay, I will ask them to allow you.
He said making her daughter more happy.

Ada: Thank you Dad.
She said smiling beautifully making her dimples appear.

At Singhania's House.

The call ended and his wife saw him smiling widely.

Mrs Singhania: What happened? Where are we going on Wednesday?.
She said after switching off the TV and making her attention towards her husband.

Mr Singhania: Unlog ne haa kardi.
He said happily.

Mrs Singhania: Oh my god!!!. Finally my son is getting married.
She said smiling widely.

Mr Singhania: Yes, we are going on Wednesday to fix the date for engagement.

Mrs Singhania: Yes, we have many preparations to make now. I'm so happy.

Mr Singhania: So am I.

Amaan: Why are you both so happy?.
He said entering the living room after coming back from his work.
Looking at his parents who seemed to be really happy.

Mrs Singhania: You won't believe it, if I tell you.

Amaan: Believe in what?.
He asked not really having energy left.

Mr Singhania: Ada said yes.

He told and Amaan was froze on his spot.

Amaan: Really!!!.
He exclaimed loudly.

Mrs Singhania: I told you, you will not believe it.

Mr Singhania: Yes, we are going on Wednesday to fix your engagement date.

Finally you are going to be mine.
Amaan thought.

Mrs Singhania: Come early on Wednesday as we have to go. I'll go and tell Khushi also.
She said and left the living room to her daughter's room.

Mr Singhania walked back to his room.

Amaan is still stunned to even move and go to his room.

He put his hand in pocket and took out his phone to dialed someone's number.

The person picked up in one ring.

Amaan: Hello Avi.
He said while smiling to himself like an idiot.

Avinash: Yes, Amaan.

Amaan: She said yes Avi, I'm so happy!!!.
He exclaimed loudly.

Avinash: Oh my god!! Man you are gonna destroy my ear drums. Calm down bro, you still don't have her number.

He said making Amaan come to his senses.

Amaan: Yeah, you are right.

Avinash: So, now when you go make sure to get her number.
Amaan nodded his head as if Avinash is watching him.

Avinash: Now stop shaking your head and let me go to sleep. I'm really tired.

Amaan: Okay, then bye Avi.

Avinash: Bye Amaan.

____________The End______________

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