Chapter 31: Gabriella Jordan

Start from the beginning

I sit down at the front booth, wanting her to see me right away. Rubble puts a glass of water in front of me, telling me that he's here if I need anything.

"Gabby, hi."

Olympia sits down in front of me, laying her bag down on the booth.

"Hi. How are you?" I ask her kindly, wanting our conversation to be civil.

"I'm alright, dealing with some douchebags at work, but good other than that."

She's a lawyer so that makes sense.

"So, why are we here, Gabby?"

"After what happened a couple of months ago, I feel we brushed a lot of what we felt under the rug. We've done that since mom died. I know we grieve in different ways, but you allowing your friends and joining in with your friends in making me feel bad is not good. I'm your sister, and I care about you. 

"But I can't get past the way you treat me. I don't find it okay, I'm done pushing those feelings away, and I think we need to handle our relationship struggles like adults."

I see the tears brewing in her eyes, and I know that I've struck a nerve.

"You had mom, Gabby," Olympia speaks up softly, "and your bond with her was unbreakable. I had a great relationship with Mom too, but I was closer to Dad and always have been. When Mom passed, we lost our dad too. You lost the tightest bond in our life but so did I. We both lost the parents that we once had that day."

"And we lost each other. I remember not talking to you about anything emotional for weeks. The most we talked about was what was for dinner."

"Exactly. We were stuck in our own spaces. I grew angry. I saw you handling it so gracefully, and I wasn't like that. I was jealous and alone. I think because I didn't have anyone to talk to besides Jackie and Carly, who tried to understand but couldn't understand enough, all my anger bubbled out, and I hurt others, including you. 

"You were the last person I should have been hurting, Gabby. But I didn't know how else to explain the pain inside of me. I took a lot out on you, and I'm so sorry. I've been a bitch for a long time, and I want something better for both of us."

"Me too! I want to be able to have you as a close sister and confidant. I've wanted that for so long, and I didn't know how to approach you."

"Same. I was concerned that you hated me, and I wasn't ready to be rejected by you. I was so scared that you felt like I was not good enough."

"And I never felt good enough for you."

We smile at each other, finally feeling a sense of relief.

"Look, we're both good enough for one another," Olympia speaks firmly, "and we don't have to keep fighting."

"No, we don't. I'm having a little get-together with the Devil's Rose MC members. I know that you have some feelings about them, but if you're interested, come. It's at Rosebury Park tonight starting at five, potluck style. It's okay if you don't bring anything though."

She's silent for a moment, fiddling with her hands.

"Are you sure you want me there? I mean, it's for your close friends. I don't want to impede on anything MC related."

"I promise you won't be. You don't have to come. There's no pressure at all, but I'm inviting you in case you want to go."

Olympia nods her head, and we end up talking about funny memories from our childhood while we eat lunch. We both have to head back to work, but we promise to be better people to each other. It's going to take work, everything always does, but it's good that we are putting the effort forward. 

Now, we just have to deal with our dad. I stroll down Main Street back to Vellichor, waving hi to other members of the Westmoor community. I love calling this place my home. I feel like I belong here. I feel so comfortable and safe in Westmoor. 

Part of that has to do with knowing I have a whole motorcycle club that has my back, but it's more than that. I have a support system, my own clan of people who love me. I don't need to be anything but myself with them, and I think that's so beautiful. 

Everyone searches for that in their life. Everyone searches for the one place or person (people) that makes them feel like they belong. And I'm lucky enough to have found it. People fade in and out of life, but I don't have to worry about that here.

I don't have to be worried about conforming to someone's idea of me. I used to do that a lot. I used to do it because I felt like I had to force myself to fit in. Now I know that the people that truly care for me won't force me to be anything but who I already am. 

I can grow and change, and the Devil's Rose will be there with me every step of the way. Roman will be there with me every step of the way. I know that my life isn't going to be perfect. It isn't already. Roman and I are going to have our challenges. We are going to have to face hardships and the universe is going to put us through the wringer. I'm sure of it. 

But we have each other. Roman and I can rely on each other to push through the difficult parts of life. There's nothing else that could possibly be better than that. To love someone and know that they are there for you.

It's an otherworldly feeling.

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