Chapter 2

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Taylor slapped his face gently, attempting to wake himself up, only to realize he was already wide awake; it wasn't a dream.

Just as he was about to lose all hope, a knock echoed on the door. Taylor froze, unsure of what to do. He couldn't let anyone see him like this. "Taylor, wake up, you idiot! We're going to be late!" Stacey's voice screamed from the other side of the door.

The knocking persisted, leaving Taylor no choice but to answer it. As he opened the door, he was met with the sight of Stacey standing on the other side.

Stacey's eyes widened in confusion as she saw the girl standing in front of her. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice filled with bewilderment. Taylor pulled her inside the room. "It's me, Taylor!" he exclaimed. Stacey stared at the strange girl with confusion. Indeed, the girl did look like Taylor, but he was a boy after all.

Assuming the girl in front of her was Taylor's cousin, Stacey couldn't understand why Taylor would keep such a thing a secret from her. Taylor tried to explain the situation, but Stacey couldn't seem to grasp what was happening.

After hearing the explanation, Stacey thought to herself, "Taylor must be pranking me." She decided to play along.

"What's Taylor's favorite food?" she began.

"Pancakes with peanut butter," Taylor replied.

"Okay, what is Taylor's favorite TV series?"

"The Umbrella Academy."

"If you were trapped on a deserted island, who would you want to be with?"

"Madison Copper!"

"Now, do you believe me?" Taylor asked.

"Big woop, you know a few basic facts about Taylor. I'm not convinced yet," Stacey replied.

"Okay, what did I say to you before I left yesterday?"

"Nothing. You just hit me and ran."

Stacey was shocked but still skeptical. Taylor realized this would take a while, so he said, "Only I know your secret, that when you were in the fifth grade, that single statement made." Stacey finally acknowledged this transformation.

As they both tried to make sense of the situation, Taylor couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the turn of events. He was confused, scared, and unsure of what was happening. As Taylor and Stacey made their way to school, they couldn't help but feel on edge. They had spent the morning trying to figure out what was going on, but they still had no answers. All they knew was that Taylor had somehow turned into a girl, and they had no idea how to reverse the transformation.

Realizing that they were getting nowhere, they decided to go to school. Walking through the school gates, it was clear that something was different. All eyes were on Taylor, and whispers followed wherever they went. Taylor couldn't help but feel self-conscious, wondering what people were thinking and saying about her.

Stacey, on the other hand, was trying her best to keep a straight face. She knew that the situation was serious, but she couldn't help but feel a little amused by the whole thing.

"I can't believe this is happening," Taylor whispered to Stacey as they made their way to their first class. "I feel like everyone is staring at me."

"What are you talking about?" Stacey replied, coldly. "Don't flatter yourself."

They both walked into class, and the room went silent. All eyes were on Taylor. People began mumbling to themselves, "Who's the new girl?" one student asked. "I don't know," replied another. "She is so beautiful," one of the boys said loudly.

While all this was happening, their homeroom teacher walked in, instantly noticing Taylor. He saw that Taylor was wearing the school uniform and assumed she was a new student. He asked, "Excuse me, miss, but who are you looking for? Are you new here?" Not knowing how to answer this question, Taylor remained silent.

"Sir, it's me, Taylor Chambers," he finally began, knowing that he wouldn't believe him. The teacher seemed to recognize her and said, "Of course, sorry for the mix-up. It's just that you look different today, Miss Chambers. Did you get a new haircut?" Taylor was dumbfounded; he thought everyone would overreact. "Same as usual," he replied.

The class began mumbling again, with one student saying, "Wait, that's Taylor, but she has never looked this beautiful before." Another student added, "Yeah, she is always quiet and only hangs out with Stacey, so I never pay any attention to her. But now that I look at her, I realize that she is a goddess."

The words of adoration continued until one of the girls said, "I have always thought Taylor was a guy." The students turned to her, and another replied, "You can clearly see she's a girl. You are always so focused on your mangas; you can't even tell the difference between a boy and a girl." The class burst out into laughter as though the boy had told a joke. The girl, Mindy, quickly retreated back to her book, and the classroom went back to talking about Taylor, but their discussions were cut short by the bell.

As the day went on, it became increasingly clear that Taylor's transformation had not gone unnoticed. Everywhere she went, people seemed to be drawn to her like moths to a flame. She was met with stares, whispers, and even a few wolf whistles as she made her way to her classes.

It was a strange and overwhelming experience for Taylor, who was used to blending into the background. She had never been the center of attention before, and she wasn't sure how to handle it. She felt confused and scared, wondering if maybe her thoughts from the night before had somehow turned her into a girl.

Despite her discomfort, Taylor did her best to keep a low profile and get through the day as normally as possible. She sat quietly in her classes, trying to focus on the lessons despite the constant distractions. She even managed to make it through lunch without too much drama, although she couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious as she sat at the table with her friends.

As the day drew to a close, Taylor couldn't help but feel relieved that it was almost over. She was exhausted from trying to keep up appearances, and all she wanted was to go home and get some rest.

But just as she finished packing up her things to leave, She bumped into someone in the hallway and fall down with a thud.

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