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Happy (over) 3 years of this story being uploaded, I posted the first chapter on July 29th, 2020. LMAO

SO you might've been wondering where I've been (considering the last time I updated the story was September 3rd, 2020 and it's now September 3rd, 2023. How funny actually that it's been exactly 3 years.)

So, you might not believe this but I accidentally burned my house down while making food, and my parents got so angry at me that they kicked me out and threatened to sue me so, I had to move to another country and you know provide for myself. And then I had a bit of a rough patch trying to deal with all that so I got pregnant with triplets. But then the baby daddy ran away (fuck you Jimmy) so I've had to try to raise them on my own in a foreign country and had to once again deal with losing my home, because of a hurricane which actually also killed triplet #2 (rip Madeline). But I've been in therapy and have been getting over it so here's the next chapter! Sorry if it's not what you've expected.

I'm joking. lmao

I sadly (or luckily, considering that mess of emotional rollercoaster I just wrote out) don't have one of those Wattpad/AO3 writer excuses, The reality for me is that I simply lost interest in the story and Miss Peregrine's world as a whole. More specifically, I think I was just a little lazy to update and then around late January/early February of 2021 I got into other interests (that I'm still interested in today! (surprisingly) and also kinda all interconnect fun fact), which led me to sorta lose interest (maybe because this fandom wasn't the most like alive one and my current fandoms very much are).

(Recently though I've been getting so many Tiktok edits of Miss Peregrine's characters so slayy!)

In case any of you are interested, the biggest ones have been:

Ranboo (a variety Twitch streamer),

Generation Loss (their live interactive comedy horror show (You can rewatch The Social Experiments (aka Generation 1) on the Ranboo Vods YouTube channel or wait for The Founders Cut, which is a more condensed version, that will be uploaded on the Generation Loss YouTube channel (that isn't like 5 hours long LMAO) There's also been Chronicle Zero happening on Twitter (@ TheChronicle0)! If you wanna get into that read all the tweets in the order of them being posted (so the oldest first)),

Lovejoy (an indie rock band from England),

and the most recent one the QSMP (the first-ever multilingual Minecraft server with live translation, created by Quackity).

In Between me consuming content related to those things, there have also been many shows, movies, songs, and multiple Twitch streamers but we'd be here forever if I started listing and talking about them all here (if you're interested though I'd be open to talk about them!).

Now, you may be wondering why I'm telling you all this. Because for all you know/care, I could've just disappeared off Wattpad forever and abandoned this story (which I did consider doing/did by ignoring everyone telling me to update for literal YEARS LMAO). But the good news is!

I've been getting back into the fandom !! (sort of)

I recently rewatched the movie and started rereading the books (or more like, started actually reading them because I only got to about halfway through the second book before losing interest), which led me to plan/brain rot over potentially writing a fanfic with a completely different plot but then I thought, why not continue this one?

I even revived my old phone to look at my planning/notes for this story. But I found that I basically went in and started it with no planning, so any kind of plot ideas I might've had at some point are gone and I'll have to think of new stuff (which I already kinda did hehehe). I did find the beginning of the next chapter so at least my past self from like 3 years ago didn't leave me with nothing I guess.

I will say, that even though I'm writing all this and talking about how I'm gaining interest again, I sadly cannot promise that I will ACTUALLY finish the story, or that the updates will be happening regularly. (Especially considering that I originally wrote all this July 13th and then kept procrastinating lmao oops)

BUT! There's SOME hope I guess? And I think my writing has improved? I'll let you be the judge of that. (you can compare my old and new writing for like a few days (or longer, you never know with me) because I plan on rewriting/making changes (including maybe putting multiple chapters into one so don't get too confused if that happens) so things sound better to the previous chapters (because if you disregard the spelling and punctuation errors for a second, my fucking god was my writing dry. I can't promise my new chapters won't have dry points (especially at times where idk how to continue stuff) but I'll at least try my best), as well as crossposting it all to AO3, which I've just been enjoying so much more than Wattpad lmao)

Without further ado!

Enjoy the next chapter :) 


update as of September 16th, 2023!

I've rewritten everything (and deleted a chapter/put two in one so it technically has one chapter less now but it's fine I think.)

I've also crossposted everything onto AO3 (not as we speak but whenever you read this it's probably posted) under the same username @/libraryofemily !

fell in love with the bird (Miss Peregrine x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now