Chapter 12

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Vox machina, Cassandra and many others gathered in the mansion and started to plan out what to do next.

Cassandra " Whitestone is secluded we're safe for the time being, the rest of the world is a different story. "

Vex " We need to get the word out maybe someone out there can stop them. "

Keyleth " What about us? We're the protectors of the realm I know it doesn't mean anythign but it should. "

Vax " And what is exactly the plan against four dragons? "

Pike looked down at the cup.

Pike " We can think of something we've already taken down one. "

Scanlan " We got lucky with Brimscythe and was like half the size of those fuckers maybe if Y/n could become a dragon of that size then we could unless this is way beyond us. "

Y/n " Yeah I can't do that. "

Keyleth " Well maybe the Ashari tribes could help us, I need to go for my armamente anyway. " 

Yennen " [ enters the room ] Where you should be going is the Vasselheim. "

Y/n " Oh please no. "

Yennen " It's the oldest most defensible city in the world if you're looking for armies, your best chance is there. "

Pike " Vasselheim's run by religious orders, [ smiling ] I've always wanted to go. "

Vex " [ scoffs ] You don't trust me, It's ... stuffy. "

Scanlan " Monks and nuns fighting dragons? Please tell me you're joking. "

Y/n " It's not a joke and if we do go don't laugh, you'll see what I mean when we get there. "

Percy " I'm a noblemen of Whitestone perhaps I could leverage diplomatic relations between out two cities. "

Scanlan then walks to the centre and gets everyone's attention.

Scanlan " Diplomacy? No we're not strong enough for this, now we're going to Vasselheim for what? To recruit more people to die? "

Y/n" Scanlan there is no other choice we need to do this or more people will die. "

Scanlan " But can't you do anything I mean you're an immortal champion of a Goddess? "

Y/n " That's it a champion not a God my powers are limited in some areas. "

Keyleth " Scanlan we have to try right? "

Scanlan " [ scoffs and leaves ] We don't have to do anything. "

The meeting then ended and everyone went their separate ways, Y/n went to a balcony by himself and started to talk to Trixhea.

Y/n " So I sold my soul to you so Ripley could stop torturing me? "

Trixhea " Yes you did I wiped your memory to help you cope with what you went through. "

Y/n " And I thank you for that, It's just I don't know what happens now. "

Trixhea " Well that is your choice as well as your dragon abilities. "

Y/n " I'm sorry my what? "

Trixhea " Since you beat Percy's demon and took out what he did to you, you can control the features of a dragon like you could sprout wings or claws. " 

Y/n " ... Why am I surprised right now? This shit happens every so often. "

Trixhea " Good bye for now Y/n. "

Y/n then turned around to see Vox machina stood there looking at Y/n.

Y/n " How long were you stood there for? "

legend of vox machina x male alchemist reader ( to be continued )Where stories live. Discover now