Chapter 10

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Vox machina, Cassandra and Ripley were walking through the dungeon of the Briarwood/ De rolo mansion but Y/n was falling behind little by little, Y/n then looked at Percy's pepper box to see a shadow with a peak. It looked like Percy's mask and it was looking at Y/n while laughing, it then went away when they all came to a massive door.

Vax " Mind giving this a shove big man? "

Grog " [ leans on the door ] Oh I'm sorry can you repeat that? "

Vax " [ sigh ] Oh for the love of ... Oh Grog you are so mighty and I am so weak how would little old me survive without you. "

Grog " Well since you asked nicely. "

Y/n started to laugh and Grog opened the door, everyone saw a chamber with green liquid flowing somewhere. Everyone started to look around in shock until Percy looked at his pepper box to see his sisters name appear on one of the barrels, he looks up to see Cassandra and Vax next to the Briarwoods and a wall of glass cut off vox machina from the Briarwoods.

Percy " Cassandra what are you doing? "

Cassandra " I'm siding with the people that saved me when you left me. "

Percy " They were the ones who killed our family the people who caused all our suffering. "

Cassandra " You caused my suffering leaving me behind with these people. "

Delilah " Percy your sister is ours now. "

Sylas " Ripley I wouldn't think you would side with them or is it that you want your experiment back? "

Delilah " You offered him to us but you never handed him over, so we will forgive you if you hand him to us now. "

Y/n " I can speak for myself when I say I ain't going with a vampire and his whore. "

Delilah " They you will die with your friends. "

Sylas " Vax pull that lever. "

Vex " Vax what are you doing? "

Sylas " He can't hear you, he's under my charm. "

Vax then pulled a lever and acid started to seep into the room, everyone was trying to get away from the acid but Percy just stood there in shock. Scanlan then played his lute and used his magic to form a hand and picked up everyone, he then went towards Percy but he reluctantly got on. 

Pike " We need to get rid of the acid, Percy any ideas? "

Scanlan was raising his magic hand above the acid.

Percy " Whats the point my sister is gone and I can't get here back. "

Y/n then formed his alchemy circle underneath the acid and tried to absorb some of it, he got some but he had to stop, in the back ground Y/n's magic started to adapt to it so Y/n can use it generate it and use it later.

Vex " You don't know that listen we know this is hard for you seeing your sister leave with your families killers, I know you want your sister back and I want my brother, but if we want a chance to save them you need to save us first. "

Percy then stood up and looked around.

Percy " Scanlan can you get us to the ceiling? "

Scanlan " I can't you fuckers are too heavy, wait that's it heavy. "

Scanlan then started to play heavy metal on his lute making the hand start to float higher and higher.

Percy " The mechanism that controls the walls ... there. [ points to a panel on the wall ] "

legend of vox machina x male alchemist reader ( to be continued )Where stories live. Discover now