"Hongyu, don't get too excited." Zhou Wenqian persuaded him in a low voice.

Lin Suici lightly tugged the corner of his mouth and subconsciously took a step back, with a self-deprecating smile flashing in his downcast eyes.

I really shouldn't have come back.

Jiang Jingyan also frowned slightly, and his grip on Lin Suici's wrist became tighter.

"Mom and Dad, the reason why I am here today is to clarify this matter with you."

Jiang Jingyan said with a serious face: "Suici did not collude with the kidnappers to kidnap Lele. He was wronged, and you all misunderstood him."

Upon hearing these words, both Jiang Hongyu and Zhou Wenqian were stunned.

"Jingyan, what do you mean by this? Lele said it himself. How could we possibly have wronged him?"

Obviously, Jiang Hongyu didn't believe his eldest son's words. Although Zhou Wenqian did not speak, it was evident from her expression that she did not believe it either.

Lin Suici didn't react much to this, he didn't even lift his eyelids, as if he hadn't heard these words, but his face turned a bit pale again, with no blood at all.

Jiang Jingyan turned his head to look at his face with unease, and then looked at his parents, "Lele is behind all this..."

"Mom and Dad, I'm back!"

A sudden voice interrupted Jiang Jingyan's words.

Jiang Le walked in briskly from the outside, carrying a shopping bag from a certain shopping mall in his hand. However, after seeing the situation in the living room, his footsteps paused.

His complicated eyes stayed on Lin Suici, but in an instant, he laughed again, "What's going on?"

"Brother Suici, I haven't seen you for so long, when did you come back?" Jiang Le walked up to Lin Suici with a friendly and harmless smile.

Lin Suici only gave him a quiet glance and silently moved aside, seemingly disgusted by Jiang Le's approach.

With Jiang Le's appearance, the burning smell in the air became more and more intense.

Zhou Wenqian, who hadn't spoken much, said to Jiang Le worriedly: "Lele, you go back to your room first."

Jiang Jingyan: "There's no need for that. Since Lele came back, let him explain everything clearly by himself."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Hongyu and Zhou Wenqian didn't understand, but Jiang Le realized it all at once, no wonder Lin Suici suddenly came back, it turned out that he wanted to settle accounts with him.

"Lele, now that things are like this, are you still planning to lie?" Jiang Jingyan looked straight into Jiang Le's eyes, with a bit of scrutiny.

"Are you going to admit it yourself, or do you want me to bring the two kidnappers to my parents and let them explain everything clearly to everyone."

Jiang Jingyan has always loved his younger brother very much, and is usually willing to spoil him, but what he did this time is too much. As an older brother, he must educate him well.

Also... Lin Suici didn't do anything, but he suffered so many grievances because of this matter, he must prove his innocence.

Jiang Le didn't understand Jiang Jingyan's behavior.

"Brother, do you really want to do this?" His expression was angry and aggrieved, and his gaze wandered between Jiang Jingyan and Lin Suici. He raised his hand and pointed at Lin Suici with his index finger, with a hint of resentment flashing in his eyes.

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