The Watchman of the Underworld

Start from the beginning

"One where they can have friends over to play video games and talk about their future aspirations while gazing at the stars...A modest, ordinary life." He said, as the others were quiet, listening, "But reality is never so kind to any of us. I'm going to crush their little dream for my own sake. And by the same token, they can fight their hardest to destroy ours. In the shadow of one person's happy ending, another cries. But no matter whose tears are shed, it's never...personal..." He trailed off, as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Vil-san nodded off." Epel said.

"Let him sleep. He could use it after the fighting." Rook said, before looking at the two, "Epel, you and (Y/n) should rest as well. We'll be in the Underworld soon...and facing our battle against Idia and Ortho. We must recover what little energy we can."

(Y/n) nodded, sitting beside him, "Thank you, senpai..." She said, leaning back, "I'll sleep for a bit, but please wake me up if you feel any pain from your wound."

He smiled, patting her head, which instantly put her to sleep.

"Yessir..." The lilac haired male said, sitting and yawning, before slowly falling asleep.

"Normal, huh..." He muttered, as he stared at the girl's sleeping features, holding her hand as he leaned back, relaxing, but still aware of his surroundings.


A loud noise could be heard, startling awake everyone.

"What was that?!" Vil said, getting up.

"I don't know. We should go find out." Rook said.

"How charged is the Thunder Spear?" He said, looking over to the charging station.

"Battery 30% charged."

"Oh no, it's not even halfway done!" Epel said.

"It is what it is. Not the ideal scenario, but we'll take what we can get. Now let's move!" Vil said, grabbing the spear and they ran out.


"Rgh!" Leona said, as they were hit with a freezing gust of wind.

"The wind's cold enough to freeze your breath. That can only mean one thing." Jamil said, before his eyes widen.

"I will freeze yooouuu!" The Titan said.

"The Titan! It's climbing the stairs!" He looked at the male, "Leona-senpai, I think you'd better...You'd better..."

The lion male and Shoto looked at him.

"You'd better take point!"

He laughed, "Well, look at that! Finally figured out the pecking order, didja?" He grinned, before it turned into a smirk as he activated the spear, "Sure, I can do that."

"User confirmed. All technomantic circuits and safety locks released. Activating targeting support mode."

"I'm gonna make the difference between you and me abundantly clear." He said, glaring at the Titan in front of them.


The spear glowed brighter as Leona aimed the spear, "I don't appreciate...all this work!" He said, as the spear hit the Titan.

"Uuurgh!" The Titan yelled, before it fell back.

"The Titan fell deeper into Tartarus..." Jamil said.

The lion male huffed and panted, "It's gotta be over now..." He then fell to his knees, "Urgh!"

The other two were shocked, going up to him.

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