It's not your fault (it never was)

Start from the beginning

"Why? I'm your family now."

"Because you don't deserve it." Techno said flatly. "And I've had more families that you and ten of your friends combined so zip it."

Pop looked furious, and began saying half coherent things to Techno.

He then turned to Wilbur, "William, surely you have respect for your Min and Pop, tell your fake brother why respecting elders is important."

Wilbur didn't say anything.

"Tell him you damn mistake!" He half shouted.

"My name is Wilbur Soot." The brunette said, almost timidly.

Techno gave him a small thumbs up.

"What about your dumb name? And you forgot your last name."

"My name is Wilbur Soot, and if you don't have the decency to call me by my actual name, then why should I be showing that courtesy to you?"

"Because you are a mistake." He hissed. "Someone who should've never existed. You are at fault for my son marrying that woman. You are at fault for us being stuck with you. And now you are being an ungrateful piece of shit. You are a mistake, and you will never amount to anything in the world."

"Don't talk to my brother like that." It was calm, and almost quiet, but steeped in rage. "You have absolutely no right to talk to my brother like that."

"You have no right-"

But Techno bulldozed over him, talking over him. "I have every fucking right! I have every fucking right to say whatever I want, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." He said the last part as if it were a challenge.

Pop took that challenge, and punched Techno square in the face.

Tommy came over, yelling like the gremlin he was. "I thought Mum and Dad said no hitting."

"This is big kid stuff." Wilbur said softly. Ushering Tommy inside.

"No fair, I'm a big man! I want to punch someone." But he left, and Techno laughed. It sounded psychotic.

"You really think, after ten years of foster homes and abuse, that that would send me keeling over?"

"Maybe not you, but Willam doesn't have that experience yet."

Techno practically shoved them into the house, and they ran upstairs to the room they shared where they closed the door, and sat against it.

"I'm so sorry Techno." Was the first thing said.

"For what?"

"For all this. It would've been best if I just kept my stupid problems to myself." Wilbur scrubbed a hand down his face. "Pop's right about one thing. All that has happened, it's my fault." His voice cracked at the end.

"Don't say that Wilbur." Techno said from beside him. "You are an amazing person, and an amazing brother.

"No I'm not Technoblade. I'm a mistake, a burden to everyone, and a screw up, who won't amount to anything much."

"Don't say that, without you. I'd never even begun to warm up to this family. Without you, Phil and Kristen might not have gotten married. Wilbur without you, there would be no Tommy. I'd still be in the orphanage, waiting out my graduation. Without you, there would be no Tommy Watson, not Technoblade Watson, and no Wilbur Soot Watson."

Techno said it with as much confidence and determination as he did anger and passion.

Wilbur hugged him, which, in hind sight, maybe not the best idea, but Techno hugged back, and all that mattered was that they had eachother.

● ● ●

There was a knock at the door and Phil, Kristen and Tommy came in.

"Tommy told us what happened."


I was going to write the family talking, but we're already at 1180 some words so, later.

I do sensor derogatory phrases and words because they are derogatory, they are meant to degrade people. I used it because the older generations throw those words around more.

Tell me how I did, because I want to represent verbal abuse in a non stereotypical way, because it comes in many forms.

I'm not good at writing much manipulation, as odd as it is, I am much better at writing physical abuse, even though I know all the best words for emotional degrading. :)

Who knows.

Have a great day/night my friends! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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