A matter of love (why can't I fix it?)

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TW: PTSD, aftermath of fights,
Please let me know if I missed any

Techno sat in a chair in the dreaded hallway of absolute doom. Wilbur was trying to reassure him that Phil wouldn't be mad, but his fingers were drumming a nervous staccato as his mind raced.

You're in deep trouble

Any trust built will fall through

This will be the day the facade falls, and you finally see how much they hate you.

He really wanted the illusion to last. To play a part as a happy family member in a happy family.

Can't the universe just give him that?

Just a family without abuse or neglect.

"Wilbur?" He whispered. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't remember anything between him saying 'try me' and me trying to get back to class with you. I- I want to say nothing happened between those two points, but something must've happened." He said, putting his head in his hands. "I hurt a kid, I beat him up."

Wilbur thinks the kid deserved it, but he wouldn't tell Techno that.

"But it was totally badass! And everyone apparently hates that kid." Tommy half yelled.

"But does that make it right?" He said sadly, staring at Tommy.

Before Tommy could reply, Phil appeared in the hall with a sigh. "What happened." It wasn't in a very disapproving or angry manner. He just seemed kind of tired.

Techno jumped to respond, "It's my fault, I lashed out at the kid, and we got into a fight."

"Only because he fought me first!" Tommy exclaimed.

"I won't cause anymore problems, I swear." Techno added hurriedly.

Then Phil did the unexpected, he laughed. His laughter was jovial, not angry, and Techno felt Wilbur's thumb brush over his knuckles. The brunette was grinning wildly.

Wilbur knew all the little things that Techno did were all part of a much bigger thing. The way his mind completely blocked out the fight, the way he always apologized for everything. The way he always looked for an exit, or refused to make direct eye contact with others. Among many others, and Wilbur could only smile, maybe a bit sadly. He would learn to trust eventually.

"You call this a problem? Have you seen these two?" Phil laughed, gesturing to Tommy and Wilbur. "One day, I got called in because Tommy smuggled a box of matches to school, and he and Tubbo tried to burn the homework. "

Techno relaxed a little bit.

"This other time, I got a call about Wilbur handing out instructions to make smoke bombs. Yet neither of them have gotten more than detention, or in Tommy's case, a firm talking to."

"So you're not mad?" Techno said with a hopeful lilt.

"Mad? Fuck no! Tommy said that kid was beating him up first. I'm not mad Techno. In fact, this is the funniest call I've gotten yet."

"Mr Watson? Your son beat up a kid.'" He said. Reenacting the call. "'Which one? Wilbur? Tommy?' 'Technoblade.'"

Wilbur and Tommy were giggling, and Techno smiled.

"So let's get this shit sorted out, and go home." He said enthusiastically.

Lesson 17: The broken can't be fixed

Puffy doesn't understand why Techno wasn't adopted, he was a really nice kid. Until the foster system fucked him up.

The first few fosters were amazing, they just didn't want a forever child. When he turned five, he was moved to the barracks, and could now so interviews.

The next foster wasn't so great, he came back quiet, really quiet. He shed away from Puffy more, and it hurt her heart.

It sort of went down hill from there.

Every new foster was painful to watch, and every time, he came back. Puffy offered for him to foster hop, but he declined, saying he liked the orphanage.

He got quieter, and sometimes had little violent outbursts that he doesn't remember.

He became less and less adoptable. All the scars, all the violence, all the anxiety and fidgeting.

He was forced to grow up too fast, in a world where you either fight back, or cower. He did both, and knew both, he no longer cried, or laughed as happily as he once did.

Nothing she could do would change what he's gone through.


Bubbles for friend

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I've got an order of angst for another friend

And a THANK YOU for the fanart, I loves ❤️

Have a great day/night my friends! 💙💙💙💙

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