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"Um, Han Jisung?"

Jisung's eyes flew open as he heard a nurse call his name from the doorway of his hospital room. Finially, I can get out of this prison! He thought to himself. Suddenly, a nurse walked carefully around the delicate blue curtain and asked once more, "Are you Han Jisung?"

With excitement, Jisung replied, "Yes."

"Alright then Jisung, we checked your records and they look all good. You should good to be out of here in an hour or two, just make sure you keep your head from getting hit on anything alright!" Jisung nodded egarly, "Alright, thank you. I recomend you rest now because once we get these iv's out of your arms, you might feel a bit dizzy"

"Okay!" he replied quickly. As the nurse exited the room, leaving Jisung alone. He began to think about going back to school, I mean, I do want to leave but... those 3 friends... well, I'll have to go back sometime anyways. I guess its better than laying here in a hard hospital bed. Jisung stared out the window, just then, a new thought came through his mind. I wonder who even brought me here. His eyes shot open, Oh shit, I hope they payed the hospital bills... Jisung wasn't looking forward to paying any fees anytime soon. He had almost saved enough for a car, which he wanted badly. Jisung eyed the remote next to his bed, it had a button that said 'assistance' but he didnt press it. He thought it would be immature to press an emergency button for such a silly question.

Jisung realized how heavy his eyelids were. I've been getting atleast 13 hours of sleep for the past few days. He said to himself, relaxing his face as he let out a long sigh. But I guess my sleep schedule has gotten pretty fucked up.

And just like that, Jisung felt himself slowly fall into a deep sleep.


"Holy shit, this is the 3rd day he hasn't come to school..."

"Yeah, we must've really fucked him up."

Minho jumped as Chan walked up behind him. "Oh... hey Chan!" Lee Know exclaimed, trying to sound excited. But in reality he wasn't. He couldn't stop thinking about Jisung. I wonder how he's been, I wonder if he's okay, I wonder what he's been thinking about, I wonder if he has gotten any better...

"Hey Minho, you allright?"

Lee Know looked up at Chan waving his hand in his face, not realizing that he had been talking to him this whole time. "Wha... Oh, yeah I'm all good!" "So uh..." Bang Chan started, "I think it's time we find a new target..?"Minho stood there and stared at him in disbelief. He didn't have time to think about what he was going to say, the words just started rolling off his tounge. "Are you insane, hell no, after what happened with Jisung. He almost didn't make it I had to take him the hospital and everything an-"


BangChan stared at him in rage. Tears started to gather in Lee Know's eyes, You shouldn't have fucking said that you dumbass!

"You did what?!"

"I-i, listen.. I-" He tried to continue, but a lump formed in his throat that wouldn't let him speak. A tear ran down his cheek, he felt weak. You have to man up, you can't let anyone see you like this, you look stupid. Minho knew how to hold back his tears since he did it so often, but in this situation it was hard.
"You fucking bastard, I thought you were on my side! I'll make sure to get you to the emergency room!" Minho flinched back as Chan lifted his fist. The worst part is that they got to school early, nearly knowone was pondering the halls at this hour. Except....

"Oh my god, what are you doing?!"

Jisung? Had he really come back to school, even after what we did, I would've expected he left the school for good. But Lee Know was wrong, infront of him stood Jisung, staring at the two with his jaw wide. Minho was the first to move out of his position, followed by Chan. Lee Know flinched once more as Bang Chan walked twords him. But rather than being aggressive, he placed a hand lightly on his shoulder. "Listen, you help me beat him up and knowone gets hurt, got it?" Chan whispered in his ear.

Who the fuck does he think he is, trying to make me beat up a student who just got out of the hospital?

But he had a plan.

He placed a hand on BangChans shoulder, as if saying yes to the deal. Chan nodded at him, looking proud, but just then, Minho pushed him to the ground and ran around the corner and down the hallways to try and escape from Chan, who, if he found him, would obviously have him dead in seconds.

Just as Lee Know turned the corner into an old, empty, unused classroom. He heard footsteps. His head whipped around wildly, trying to find a spot to hide, but since the classroom was empty, there was no where to go. Crap, what am I suppoused to do now?? Another set of tears made it's way into his eyes, but this time they wouldn't stop. So instead of trying to hide, he stood in the corner of a classroom wiping tears from his face as they fell.


Minho froze, the footsteps became louder.

"Hey, are you gonna respon-" Jisung came running into the classroom with a worried look on his face. His words faded off as he saw Minho crying. "Hey, are you alright?" He walked over to Minho and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at Jisung, not knowing what to say. When Jisung saw his face, he couldn't help but feel bad.

You're too kind Jisung, he beat you up behind a school, and now you feel bad for him, hell no.

Jisung thought to himself, he started to walk away, in fear that Minho and Chan just planned this to get him back into the hospital, and that Lee Know was just acting.


Minho saw Jisung start to back away, he didn't want him to leave. But tears wouldn't let him speak, so instead of telling him to come back, Minho ran over to him and pulled him into a deep hug.


This feels better.... Minho thought to himself, he didn't want to let go, he felt like he could stand there and hug Jisung forever. The warmth of his body made him feel so much better. But then Minho thought for a second What am I even doing, i dont even have a reason for hugging him if he asks why I did it, I can't just say ," Oh, well I didn't wan't you to leave." that would just sound stupid. But even with that, he didn't back away.


Jisung's eyes became wide as Minho pulled his arm back and hugged him. He wanted like it but he didn't know what to expect,

Bangchan could jump out at any moment, this could all be staged. You need to think smart Jisung.

But after a few moments, nothing happened. He felt himself melting into Minho's touch. The feeling of Lee Know's hands on Jisung's waist made him feel weird inside, but he liked it. He had never felt like this before. But he didn't wan't the moment to end.

A/N: This is where things start to heat up, theres more so keep reading ;)

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