Mei Terumi opens up the scroll, and read the letter,

[ Greetings to you, Mei Terumi san, I sincerely hope as the Mizukage you are healthy and doing well... Now in regards to why I'm writing this, which I never thought I would do, but realized that I had to, to sooth my conscience. And whether or not the news about the affair are true or not, I still believe you should be aware of this much.

My student, Naruto Uzumaki a week after returning home, has departed from the village to a foreign, and unknown destination. To join up with my other student, who you are familiar with. Uchiha Sasuke. His departure was unanticipated, and his time of return is still unknown.

Naruto desires to take a break from everything, and I am informed by him, that he would not take too long to attend to the matters regarding his heart. So I hope this letter, might give some clarity if there ever is need for one.
                                HATAKE KAKASHI. ]

Mei Terumi folds the scroll, placing it back on the table with her mind towards the blond. Wondering if his departure had anything to do, with what he said to her about being too early. It caused her to think,

' you're not too early, I'm just the one too old. Naruto, don't make me get any more older than I already am before making your move '. . .

" Should I not have had hope, should I not have been delighted, and happy beyond measures. Could I have avoided this torment, if I did that? ".

Mei Terumi pulls a green scroll out of the cabinet, she withdrew and close the cabinet doors. Mei Terumi walked over and around the couch, and lay down on it with her face towards the ceiling, and her eyes on the scroll.

With her gaze ever steadfast on the scroll, she was reminded of how long it has been since she had began to get the scrolls. And Mei realizes it's been more than a year, or to be more precise: one year, six months and eight days.

Mei remembered she was just returning to her private abode, after a month of absence, due to not wanting to be tracked, as there were too many eyes on her because of the affair rumor. There before the sealed entrance, Mei Terumi found a scroll.

She remembered picking it up, and going into the house, where she would later read it and discover it was a letter written by Naruto, she read the letter about forty times, at this point knew it by heart...

[ Good day, good afternoon, good night. To the most beautiful Mizukage and kage in the world. I write hoping you would have somewhat resented me for not reaching out sooner, and I truly wanted to. But I couldn't find the time, as I had to set my things up, and that took longer than I ever thought it would.

I deliberated in my mind so much, on whether this was right or not. But finally, I decided it would be better to have you know about my journey, than to stay silent. It's been a month and I miss being around. I miss you, I do. And you might have to hate me, cause I can't change.

I want to come back home, but I also want to secure the real me, so that I won't live in confusion anymore. Be a man, and not a child that is incapable of being your man... I have no idea how long it has taken you to finally see this, but in case you were wondering how it is where you found it. I had a toad bring it over, and the toad will be doing so every two weeks, till I return to you. ]

That was his first letter to her, Mei Terumi never knew she was going to get a last, until one month and eight days ago. She got the letter, which is contained within the scroll held in her hand.

Mei opens the scroll, and reads that which was within, being the second time she was going to be reading it since it came into her possession...

[ Mizukage sama, I'm hoping you're still doing well. Please stay healthy till I return, I keep missing you everyday. I want to hear from you, but I restrain myself from making such request. As anything you write, will inevitably drive me insane. And I'll want to come home to you. But I can't abandon what I have started, and this time after so many adventures, Sasuke and I are finally going to deal with something threatening enough to claim our lives.

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