Episode 35: trip to Newtopia

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Fort in the road:

The strange structure Pika, Sprig, and Hop-pop were in exploded right behind them, Sprig and Hop-pop landed sitting up, and Pika laned face down. "Ow... dirt tastes gross." Pika said, muffled by the ground. "Levers! Am I right?" Sprig said trying to lift the mood, Hop-pop just grunts and angerly glared at Sprig as Pika rolled over onto their back and just stared into the sky with a distant look on their face, "I know. I know. We should've followed the rules." Sprig said guilty, "You think?! You know, you two should be more like Polly. I told her to stay put, and look where she is." Hop-pop scolded but then realised the fwagon is missing. "Where's Polly?" He asked, Pika looked into the field, seeing Polly driving Bessie, using the dome things as ramps. She then landed right next to Sprig, Hop-pop, and Pika, "Boom, baby!" Polly said before noticing the others right there."Bessie made me do it, " she blamed

Ballad of Hopediah Plantar:

The kids all ran up to Hop-pop, who is lying on the ground. "Oi, Hop-pop, we gotta go! these guys are froggin' nuts!" Pika said slightly threatened by the small beasts."Well, I guess after years of abuse, even the most timid of frogs might get a little‐‐ Whoa, my goodness!" He began explaining but cut himself off as he saw the bitties all over Mama Hasselback, one even popped out from Mama Hasselback's stomach "OHSHIT-" Pika yelled very scared of the bitties, Baily went up to Hop-pop changed back to normal and said "Hi, Mr. Plantar." Hop-pop was scared that he kept a bit of distance between the 2 of them,"Bailey? You frogs are fighting back?" He asked, still keeping the small distance."Yep! All because of what you said." Baily answered."You mean about how standing up to bullies is the right thing to do?" Hop-pop asked a different question."Uh... no. The part about how when someone can't fight for themselves, you need to fight for them. You clearly can't fight for yourself. Here's a tooth, by the way." Baily answered. He handed Hop-pop the tooth and transformed and ran back to attack the Hasselbacks, then flames were ignited.

Pika hunter:

Pika was pacing around panicked as the Plantars were taken away by a scorpileo, then a floating Sprig head appears behind them, saying, "Follow the true way of the hunter." Pika fell back as the floating head scared them "Jesus fuck! Sprig?! Are you fucking dead?! Is that your ghost?" Pika asked getting even more worried "What? No. The real Sprig is still out there and needs your help. Me? I'm more likely a stress-induced hallucination." The Sprig head answered."Hm, so i snapped?" Pika asked, not freaked out about snapping. The Sprig head then gave a thumbs up "Cool" Pika replied.

Truck stop Polly:

In Speedy Joe's truck, Hop-pop asks, "Well, now that we got a breather, who's ready for story time?" "Whoo!" Polly cheered."Yeah!" Sprig answered."I am, even if I'm 16" Pika adds."All right, now where were we?" Hop-pop asked himself as he opened up the book. He then begins reading out loud,"Rain poured from the sky as Fergus Frog faced his wife's killer in the deserted alleyway. 'Taking me out won't bring her back,' growled the assassin. 'Ain't that a shame,' said Fergus as he drew his knife!" As hop-pop read Pika questioned the books they make for CHILDREN!, then Hop-pop flipped the page a pop-up of an arm holding a knife popped up."Ho, ho! Get 'em Fergus!" Polly laughed."Damn, this book is dark. is it really ok for a tadpole to be read this?"

A caravan named desire:

Pika sat against a wall, trying to take a nap as Hop-pop bursts through the door, Pika just growled, annoyed as they were trying to sleep. "Pika! The play's a distraction for a bank robbery. On one hand, that's awful. But on the other hand, we need to support the arts, right?" Hop-pop asked, weighing the options."Right now. Fuck the arts. they're using you for crimes. Don't pretend that you're clueless about that shit" Pika told Hop-pop irritated "Hmm. I probably could. I'm a very good actor, you know. Thanks for the advice, Pika." Hop-pop thanked before leaving "I didn't say that-- whatever." Pika yelled, they then tried to fall asleep again when Sprig arrives to get advice from Pika "Pika! The theater kids don't like me." He whined, Pika shoves him off of them "Who gives a fuck what those theatre fuckers think." Pika said getting more irritated "You're right. It matters what they feel. I just have to speak to their hearts. Thanks, Pika. Bye." Sprig thanked as he walked out, "Do these frogs have a hearing problem or something?" Pika grumbled as they tried to calm down, but Polly bursts through the window, yelling,"Pika! I love you, dude!" Pika just gave up on trying to sleep."Love you too, little arsonist." They replied with a heavy sigh

Quarreller's Pass:

Hop-pop and Pika were alone on the fwagon and it was quiet the only noise that was heard was the sound of the wind howlin, noticing the quiet Pika went to listen to music but stopped when they realised that Sprig has their phone "fucking idiot..." they muttered to themself and they just looked around their surroundings "Finally. Peace and quiet. Almost a little too quiet." Hop-pop points out, he then chuckled nervously "Almost a little awkward, isn't it?" He asked, Pika knew where this was going and just slowly turned their head to Hop-pop "So do you have a boyfriend back home?" He asked Pika, Pika just kicked him off of the fwagon into the side of the mountain "nope. Not dealing with that today" Pika said as they took over where Hop-pop previously sat and took the reigns

Swamp and sensibility:

Pika and Wally were chasing Wally's father for the ball, "He's too fast. We'll never make it." Pika said between breaths."That's what you think." Wally replied. He then reached into Pika's hair and pulled out his accordion."Bloody hell, dude. How long was that in my hair, also man my head feels lighter, " Pika questioned, Wally replied with a chuckle and said,"A season at least."

Wax museum:

Pika had their hood up and was slightly sweating "fuck... too warm." They muttered, they then removed their hood revealing their monstrous appearance "hope that is better" they sighed, gasps could be heard all around them as the townspeople all stared at Pika "Oh... forgot about the whole 'I am a monster' thing..." Pika muttered as they get nervous because of all the eyes on them, a tadpole then began began crying "ohshit-" Pika yelped panicked "Hey don't cry, I'm just weird, not a monster, see" Pika calmly said before wiggling their nose and doing a simple magic trick as to calm the crying tadpole down "Ta-da, hope that cheered you up" Pika said with an awkward smile "Mommy, Mommy! Give the freak money!" The tadpole requested, the mother walked up to Pika "It was a lovely performance." She said as she handed Pika some coppers "thank you ma'am" Pika thanked with a slight head nod "Do it again! Do it again!" A tadpole requested

End of Episode 35! TO BE CONTINUED

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