Special Episode 3: Happy Birthday Pika!

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A/N: Happy birthday to me! Holy shit I'm 17! next year I can legally drink (if I even want to), anyhow this is going chapter is going to be about my B-day in 2022 (with some changes), and where ever you see (Name) in this chapter just know it's just me not revealing my real name, you can still read it as people using Pika for me or not, it's up to you! (chapter image edited by me)

Pika's POV:
Groggily I got out of bed, yawning I stretched my arms over my head, i slowly left my room without falling over any of the things that remained on the ground while rubbing the sleep away from my eyes, "morning" i said as i saw my mother on the couch "Morning (name), Happy Birthday, how did you sleep" My mum greeted to me "thanks, I slept well, how did you sleep?" I asked her "i slept well, despite having him constantly in and out 'mummy im cold' 'mummy im hot'" She answered, it was a normal thing for my dog to do that, speaking of the dog he walked over and greeted me with leading against me  "morning to you too Koa" I said as i rubbed his side, soon enough something that sounds like a scream could be heard, i turned my head to the door of my brother's room as he emerged "Morning" He said to mum, he turned his head to me "Happy Birthday" he said as he briefly hugged me "Thanks" I replied as I briefly hugged him back, i then retreated back into my room to scroll on my phone before getting my ass ready for school, i saw messages from some family and a few friends wishing me a happy birthday which i replied to, i then opened tiktok and played one of the tiktoks i saved and sung along to the song used as i got into the school's sport uniform since i had my PE elective today, i left my room and made myself lunch for the day and got everything else together ready for school, i then placed my headphones over my ears and listened to some songs and read a fanfic

At School:
I walked into school and sat down near the door to access the building my locker is i , waiting for my friends, while waiting. I continued reading fanfics. After a few minutes, the doors unlocked, and I entered the building and put my stuff away and took out what is needed for my first class, I then sat near the classroom and just zoned out, I greeted some friends then sat in class, while in class a friend handed me a small gift bag with volume 1 to demon slayer, a b-day badge to wear and around 10 small packets of M&M's "So you don't choke on them" She explained, I took that as a challenge and opened a few of the packets and shoved the M&M's inside my mouth, i laughed while eating the M&Ms "It's better then me trying to drink the sanitiser there" I told her as i pointed to a bottle of hand sanitiser that was necessary in every classroom after 2 years of on and off lockdowns, after that interaction class started and it was like usual,

After class:
Once class ended i walked to my locker put the stuff i needed for class away and grabbed my snacks and the manga and waited for my friend, we then walked towards our friend group that consisted of multiple year levels/grades, another friend came up to me and gave me a box of Cabury favourites and wished me a happy birthday, i thanked her and opened the box to put the M&M's in, I sat on the ground with my back up against a wall smiling, laughing and occasionally chasing a friend, i was sitting as a familiar voice yelled "CONFETTI PLUSH ATTACK!" And they threw a plush at me."Weh-?" i yelped as the plush hit me, Em arrived and laughed before saying "Happy birthday Pika!, i heled the plush and noticed it looked like a party popper "nice" I muttered as I squeezed it, when I did confetti popped out and "Yiiiiiipppppeeeeeeee" could be heard coming from it, i laughed at it "Thanks Em" I then bopped her on the head with it, the bell soon rang and school continued like normal

After school at home:
I entered the house, put my lunchbox on the bench then entered my cave (My room), I changed from the school uniform into a shirt that was a bit too big for me, a pair of pants and a hoodie. I then left my room with my headphones on and just chilled, reading fanfics, scrolling on tiktok and messaging friends. soon some family came over to celebrate, since it was a Thursday not many were able to come over, the night was mostly just me listening to the adults talk and just scrolling.

To the present (Amphibia present) 3rd Person:
Pika sat on the grass out front of the Planter house just staring into the night sky, "hey Pika... you ok?" a pink frog asked as he sat next to them, startled by him they slightly jumped "I- I'm fine Sprig, just... thinking about home..." they answered before hugging their knees "I miss my family... my friends... the comfort of my own home... and... I miss feeling safe..." they continued, it was calm and quiet when they stopped talking, and their thoughts became louder, soon tears began flowing and they couldn't stop them , in response to the tears they buried their head into their legs to hide the tears but it seem they were to slow, Sprig hugged them as they tried to hide it but soon they gave up and just cried as Sprig sat there hugging them the best he could, it was probably an hour before the tears stopped flowing, Pika still sobbed, "thanks Sprig... but i think i need a moment alone..." they muttered as they stood up and walked inside to grab their bag, bat and sword, Sprig watched knowing he couldn't stop Pika, he knew that not everyone wants company when they feel like crap, Pika knelt in the doorway, they turned around and pats Sprig's head "again, thanks for listening to me... see you in the morning little dude" They said before leaving, Sprig stood there watching Pika walk into town and into the forest, tears flowed from his eyes as he hoped that Pika would be Ok, he then hopped into bed but he couldn't sleep, not when one of the few friends he had is in possible danger

With Pika in the forest:
leaves crunched as Pika walked with their bag on, bat in hand and sword sheathed around their waist, they muttered to themself as they walked, they paid little attention to any possible threat, soon Pika walked up to an open area, the sky and moon could be seen in all of it's glory. Pika sighed and walked to the middle of the field and just laid there looking at the stars, "this is nice..." They muttered as they fought off the tiredness they felt, but soon their eyes closed and they drifted off to sleep, just to be awoken by a beast "WEH!?" They yelped as they sat up and backed up from the beast, it took a minute for them to collect their thoughts but once they calmed down they realised this beast is different then any of the others in Amphibia, it doesn't look different from other beasts other then the slight light red glow it gives off, Pika took a step towards it and they held their hand out to it, the beast sniffed then placed it's head into Pika's hand, "huh... you look familiar..." Pika muttered, after a few seconds of thinking Pika's expression changed from a calm and tired one to one of pain and sadness "You look like him..." Pika muttered while staring at the beast, they fell onto their knees and hugged it tightly as tears flowed, "Kobi... I- I'm sorry... it's been years... I'm sorry that now I cry when thinking about your death..." Pika apologised between sobs, the beast rested it's head on Pika's shoulder as if to say 'it is alright small human'. it then licked one of the tear tracks on Pika's face causing them to laugh and wipe away the slobber, the beast then disappeared without another word "w-was it all my imagination..." Pika muttered under their breath confused, Pika got up and gathered their things, they then stood there for a second before going back to the Plantar's house, they returned into their room via the door behind the house that leads right to the basement, once inside they just plopped into bed and fell asleep unknowing of what's happening to them

End of Special episode! Main story will continue

A/N 2: This is written 4 days before its official release. I made a vent video yesterday, if you readers want to, you can watch it, it's just about the fact that I hate myself, there's the shirt discomfort I included in a previous chapter, I recently found out I failed 1 test and barely passed another, and how I feel like I'm just disappointing my mother. She says she 'knows in smart', but I doubt that. Anyhow, there's more venting in the video description so you can read more there.
23/3 vent: today was good at first but then I got home and there's a letter from my school saying that I'm at risk for 2 subjects, my mother is pissed since I cant be at risk now. and I still need to sort out an attendance problem. I am disappointing my mother so much. fuck. why cant i just not be a fucking loser!

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