
Start from the beginning

"That's the thing. We figured it out, then Tom died. In none of the scripts did Tom's character die next. So now no one knows what's going on," Randy explained.

"Oh fuck," you muttered.

"And Sidney said that she got a call from the killer too. She said that they managed to get her mother's voice. Somehow, Maureen is the center of it all. Most trilogies focus on being surprising and taking the series in a newer direction, or changing everything you knew about the past," Randy ranted.

"So what the hell does that have to do with us," Billy asked.

"If we're reworking everything we know about the murders that came before this, then what does that mean for the original killers? There's either something you're not telling us, or something bigger going on," Randy concluded.

"Such as..." you trailed off questioningly.

Yeah, 'something bigger going on' left quite a lot up for interpretation. Randy sighed as he went back to explaining.

"Somehow, Billy and Stu weren't the first killers," Randy finished.

"But that's not possible," Stu stated matter of factly. "We were the first killers. And we killed Mrs. Prescott. This is just another bullshit copycat, but this one just happens to have a flair for the dramatics."

"And why should we trust you," Randy asked. "I mean, it totally isn't like you've tried to kill us before, and have threatened us countless times after that."

"Yeah, well, I've got priorities now," Stu said, gesturing at Tony and Billy. "I've got some little men I need to take care of."

"The fuck did you just say," Billy interrogated.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is: I have my soulmates, I have my son, I'm getting my life in order. No more lying. For the most part."

"Oh yeah, like you of all people would settle down," Randy scoffed.

"Well, I already have. And I might even get an acting job. In fact, there's an open role for some dude named Dennis. Seems easy."

"You're not getting an acting job," William deadpanned. "Your face plastered over posters and billboards isn't a good idea. We're wanted men, remember?"

"Oh please, no one even cares anymore. It's all about the copycats and the sequels," Stu pointed out.

"Great. This is going nowhere," you muttered.

You just grabbed Randy's arm and pulled him back into the hallway, closing the door behind you again. Sidney could not see those two. And Darry shouldn't even be aware they existed in an a hundred mile radius.

"So there are killers in our house," Randy repeated quietly.

"Sadly: yes," you answered.

"And one has deemed the crotch fruit his son?"

"Also correct. He named him Anthony."

"When the fuck did they show up?"

"Last night. When you called me about the explosion."

"And Tom's house is on the other side of the city, meaning there's no way they'd be able to pull that off, so they didn't kill him."

"I guess. Unless it was one of those trigger things."

"No, those don't have a large enough radius. Either way: they've got an alibi. So we still have no leads. This is just fucking wonderful," Randy groaned.

"What are we going to about Sidney," you asked.

"I don't know. And Darry... I don't want to bring him into this," Randy told you.

"I don't either. But what do we do if he finds out by accident? With our luck, shits going to hit the fan at some point."

"Pray, I guess," Randy shrugged.

A/n: I have a problem. I said I was going to do a Spiderverse thing. Someone even suggested some characters. But my brother said Nick Cage can make anything hot. I don't know who all knows, BUT THIS ACCOUNT WAS MADE TO FUCK UP MY BROTHER.

And guess who did the voice acting for one of my favorite Spiderman variations, who happens to not have a lot of shit?

I want to work with all three because I hate my bro and I'm also a people pleaser, but in what order shall I do this?

God help me, I'm putting to much work into torturing a kid. A kid who owns a sword and has every right to kill me if I wrote the thing. But that almost feels like a pro of ringing Nick Cage. Death is cool.

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