We slid open the door and took our seats.

"Okay.. I will now begin reading out the top 3 best exam scores from the recent exam," the teacher announced.

The class ooed in excitement.

I smirked to myself as I knew I was going to get first place again.

School's always been easy. I've always been able to ace every exam, even without studying. Which is why I cut classes so often, simply because it's boring.

"Starting at number 3... with a score of 96/100... we have Kang Haerin!!" She announced.

The class clapped and cheered as she went up to collect her test.

I laughed to myself a little. Kang Haerin has always been exactly one spot behind me. No matter how hard she studied, she could never beat me.

Shame for her to drop another place.

"Next in 2nd place... with a score of 98/100.. Y/L/N!!" She announced.

I choked on my saliva.

The class clapped quietly as I went up and grabbed my test.

"Aren't they the school freak?" They hissed.

"And in first place.. with a score of 100/100... Hanni Pham!!!" The teacher announced.

How did she get 100/100?

"98 is still good," Soobin laughed at my reactions.

My paper creased in my hand over time as my fists clenched.

I waited for class to end, before calling my lunch shuttle.

"Y-yes?" He trembled.

"Go bring me food." I grumbled.

He bowed and left.

The rest of the class shot dirty looks at me. I shot back looks of smug glee.

I genuinely don't know what it's like to feel for anybody else. Sometimes it's hard to feel my own feelings. I haven't been able to feel in a long time.

My parents fought a lot because of me, and my dad would eventually become an alcoholic. He hurt me and my mom often.

Both of them would yell at me, saying that I ruined their lives and they just wish I was never born so they could live happily.

Eventually, they had enough and split, completely ditching me.

I think that was the last time I felt anything?

The shuttle returned with my food, and placed it gently on my desk.

"With both hands and your head down, idiot," I smacked him on the head.

"Ow- ow- sorry.." he apologised.

I kept smacking him for no reason. Just because I felt like it. The class stopped eating and stared.

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