"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now we are doing something smaller but still very important."


"Do you always give me your right hand when we are holding them?" he asks, looking down.

"I think I do, yes. Why?"

"Because that's important for your present."

"Now I am completely lost" I laugh.

"You'll understand it soon" he says, lifting our hands and kissing mine.


"Ma'am. Mr. Rice" David says, opening the door of a small jewelry shop. There are no other customers inside, just us and the shop assistant.

"Welcome, your Royal Highness" she says with a little curtsey. "Please follow me."

"Where are we going?" I whisper.

"To the back of the shop. We'll have the privacy we need there."

"Everything is ready" the shop assistant says, nodding towards a table. "Call me when you have decided and are ready."

"Thank you" Declan smiles as she leaves and closes the door behind her.

"Are you going to tell me now what the hell is this?" I ask with a nervous laugh.

"Have you ever heard about forever bracelets?"

"Like those you get in the summer?"

"No, not like those" Declan chuckles. "These are made of gold or silver, and attached in a way that doesn't allow you to take them off. You are meant to wear them forever, and many people get them with their partners as a sign of commitment. As a sign of their love, that will last forever."

"That's... Beautiful, Declan."

"I'm glad you think that. Because Eleanor, I... I want to gift you one of these bracelets because I... Because..."

"Because?" I ask, giving his hand an encouraging squeeze. We haven't stopped holding them since we left the car.

"I want to get you one of these bracelets because I want to be with you, Eleanor. Forever."

"I also want to be with you, Declan. Forever."

"Then... Will you be my girlfriend?" he says, finally looking up from the floor and meeting my eyes.

"Yes. I will be your girlfriend."

"Great! That's... Amazing. Like... Wow" he laughs. "I was so nervous."

"I can tell" I smile.

"Eleanor..." he says, cupping my face with his free hand, his thumb caressing my cheek. "Eleanor, I love you."

"And I love you too, Declan" I say before closing the little space that was between us and kissing him.


"I love it" I say while I move my arm, the thin silver bracelet catching the light and making reflections inside the car.

"Best present ever?"

"One of them, yes" I say, kissing Declan's cheek. "I just wish you were able to wear one too."

"So do I. But West Ham has a no jewelry rule" he shrugs.

"Shame. Now I hope my present is as good."

"I'm sure it will be. Can I get a clue?"

"Nope. You'll have to wait until dinner to see it."

"Rude" he laughs. "I still love you, tho."

"I love you too" I smile.

"By the way, you better be ready to hear me say that I love you all day every day. I'm gonna be super annoying and cheesy."

"I think I'll survive" I laugh, my eyes fixed on him, on his profile. How can he be this handsome?

"You are staring."

"I know. You look so beautiful on this light, Dec. Like, you always look beautiful, but right now, your profile is just... Wait."


"Just focus on the road, don't mind me."


"Drive, Declan" I say, taking a photo of him and managing to do it when he smirks. "Perfect."

"Did you just take a photo of me?" he chuckles.

"I did. The first of many tonight."

"Is that part of my present? Taking photos?"

"It's gonna be an extra" I say, praying that everything goes well, and Roberta's idea doesn't backfire.

The Princess & the Football PlayerWhere stories live. Discover now