Sports Festival pt. 3 tournament pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Suddenly the cube splits into eight pieces, four hitting the arenas corners and the other four floating in midair above the corners. Then just as suddenly a red light links all the corners shrouding the arena in a crimson light.

 Then just as suddenly a red light links all the corners shrouding the arena in a crimson light

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(The cube is red and ignore Merlin)

"THE HELL DOES THIS WORTHLESS PIECE OF JUNK DO, OTHER THAN SET THE MOOD FOR YOUR DEFEAT"? Bakugo asked with a tinge of fear in his voice as despite his hatred of the genius trio he knew their tech was dangerous.

"Come and get me and you'll find out, you bigoted coward". Melissa states firmly with spite towards her opponent.

"YOU ASKED FOR IT YOU BITCH, I'M GONNA BLOW YOU BITS"! Bakugo raged as he prepared to launch himself only for his opening jump-blast to fail ending in the blonde falling flat on his face.

"THE HELL, WHY WON'T MY QUIRK ACTIVATE"? Bakugo cried as he looked at his hands confused.

"Like I said 'I'm going to defeat you on the terms you so despise', this is what I like to call the 'Null-power field', inside this cube no emitter or transformation quirks can be used, in essence your quirkless now". Melissa explained with a cocky grin.

—Class 1A stands—

"Wait, Bakugo can't use his quirk, just like when Aizawa sensei uses his quirk". Momo exclaims shocked at the fields effects.

"Midori, did you Mei, and Meli..., I mean there's no way, right"? Mina asks Izuku and Mei confused.

"There's no way you did that right, right"? Kaminari asked as he and Sero looked at the duo frightened.

In response the duo simply smiled at the rest of their class, as a dark aura enshrouded them.

"Oh god they actually did"! Was the collective thought process of the class as they viewed the duos smiles.

—Announcers box—

"Oh, so thats why they asked me for a blood sample". Aizawa grumbles to himself, as he remembers the NDA and contract he signed to get healed by the trios extremis.

"NO WAY, THAT FIELDS LIKE YOUR QUIRK BEST BUDDY, BUT HOW"? Mic cries out confused at how the field works and scared at the genius trios smarts.

"After the USJ, our students took a sample of blood from Eraserhead and appear to have successfully reverse engineered his quirk, I'm told it works using a type of alpha rays". Nezu explains causing the audience to erupt in cheers.

—Police commissioners office—

"Incredible, an anti-quirk field, that could be useful, Miss Akane please as soon as possible call the 'Futurism Inc.' company and ask to set up an investment and purchasing meeting". The police commissioner general of Japan, in Tokyo, Kiyoshi Goro, exclaimed as he asks his secretary to call the company responsible for the anti-quirk device.

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