Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to My family and people who inspired me

Hope you enjoy!!!!!!! DISCLAMER-And of course I do not own anything Rick Riordan does! And also I was inspired by many other people so thanks!

Hi, my name is Annabeth Chase and I am sixteen years old. My father is Frederic Chase and my mother is Athena the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. Now, I know you may not believe me but, the gods are very much alive and just like thousands of years ago they come down to earth and go out with mortals and have kids. They just can't change their ways.

I have a boyfriend, Percy Jackson, who is son of the sea god, Poseidon. He is the bravest person on earth, savior of Olympus and I love him very much. Just this summer we admitted our love for each other but, we have known each other since we were twelve. We have been on many quests with each other and been through a lot. This summer was the hardest because we had the Titan war and lost many friends but, we are still going strong. The good thing is I became the official architect of Olympus since it was pretty much destroyed. Olympus is also on the sixth hundredth floor (which to mortals doesn't exist) of the Empire State building in New York and our camp, called Camp Half-Blood, is in Long Island sound. The bad thing is that my dad lives in San Fransisco which is all the way on the other side of the country and it is roaming with monsters, so any demigod who has a brain would stay away from there. My mother had a talk with my dad and said that I should stay in New York to finish building Olympus. It took a little convincing but he eventually agreed.

I decided that I didn't want to tell Seaweed Brain, that is what I call Percy, that I was staying so that I could surprise him at his school! Oh, I forgot to tell you that I am going to the same school as him. It is called Goode High School. Percy's stepfather, Paul Blofis, teaches English there. I told him and Percy's mom, Sally Jackson who is the sweetest person on earth, that I was staying but, said to be quiet. They agreed and thought that it was a great idea to surprise Percy.

I am staying at a hotel that is close to Goode so that I will be able to get there easy. As I woke up the next morning to a loud RING, I was disoriented. I forgot where I was and what I was doing. Then I remembered, I was in a hotel in New York and today was my first day of school........shoot I was going to be late. It was seven, school started at eight and still had to get my schedule. I took a shower, pulled on a grey ruffle shirt with dark blue jean capris and grey flats, put on my owl earings and let my hair hang loose. I grabbed my brown leather satchel and headed out the door. I walked to the nearest Starbucks, got a coffee and a croissant and headed toward Goode High. I just couldn't wait to see my Seaweed Brain!

Hey everyone, Please review and comment. Tell me if I should continue?! Thanks everyone This is also my first fanfic EVER. I will try and write as often as I can.

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