Chapter 2

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Hi everyone. I am extremely sorry that I haven't written anything for sooooo long but we are moving . . . again. I really hope you enjoy this chapter and tell me if it is any good.

Disclamer- I do not own PJO, the amazing writer Rick Riordan does!!!!

As I walked through the gates to Goode I couldn't help but wonder what would be Percy's reaction when he sees me. We haven't seen each other for a week two weeks and I have missed him tons. Well, I thought to myself happily, I don't have to wait that much longer to see him.

When I entered the school grounds I noticed some boys looking my way and whistling. I glared in their direction. Some girls were sizing me up, wondering if I would be a problem. Eventually one girl walked up to me with several girls following, all of them wearing too much makeup and clothes that definitely showed too much skin. As she walked up I tried to hold in my laughter. She could barely walk in her high heals, it was just too funny. When she started talking to me I almost gagged, her voice was high and shrilly, it was just wrong.

She said, " Okay, new girl. I have some rules here." in a superior voice.

I gave her a look that said whatever and started walking past her. Before I could make it much further she put her arm in front of me and went off on how you shouldn't do that because her daddy was rich and blah blah blah.

I had enough so I just said in an annoyed voice, " I have to get my schedule and get to class." 

She stopped blabbering said, "Just stay away from the hottest boy in school he is mine, oh, and by the way I'm Alexa."

"I'm Annabeth and I already have a boyfriend." I said and walked away leaving her in the dust.

I got my schedule and locker number and explored the school. Finally when I couldn't find my locker I gave up and asked A nice looking girl if she knew where it was. She looked up from the book she was reading and said, "Sure thing, and I'm Olivia Keener." She had short black hair that reached just below her chin, chocolate colored eyes that were warm and welcoming and average height

I replied, "Thanks I'm Annabeth."

After 2 minutes of walking around we found my locker. By this time the school was getting busier and busier. When we reached my locker Olivia was smiling like crazy and I had no idea why so I asked her, "Are you okay?" concern visible in my voice. She looked at me and at the locker next to mine and said, "Your locker is next to the hottest guy in school, Percy Jackson."

Was it any good? Please comment and tell me if I should continue!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2013 ⏰

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