Dean Ambrose Moment.

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Dean Ambrose music hits and he comes out "I know that all of my Lunatics have been wanting the WWE to give me a chance. That will happen when I beat Seth Rollins at the MITB ppv for the World Heavyweight Championship. Dean smiles and the crowd cheers "When I beat Seth Rollins at the MITB ppv, not only will I become the Champ, but I will become the NEW FUTURE OF WWE. Here's the thing that he doesn't know about me: I'm crazy. Seth Rollins music hits and he comes out "We all know you're crazy Dean, you don't have a brain, it's obvious. Seth walks to the ring "Maybe if you started paying attention to things more often, then maybe you would know what true talent is. Kane's music hits and he comes out "Boys boys, save all this fighting for the MITB ppv which you can only watch on the WWE Network for $9.99. Dean talks "Here we go again, Seth's daddy saving him again, I just want a fight. Kane interrupts And you will get it at the MITB ppv. Kane walks by Seth and they get up on the apron and Seth talks while Dean gets a chair and goes back in the ring "Or maybe we could fight right now. Kane walks by Seth Rollins and they get up on the apron and start to beat up Dean Ambrose while Roman Reigns music plays and he comes in to save him and they start to brawl SUPER MAN PUNCH Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds connecting the punch on Seth while Reigns spears Kane Ambreigns stands tall, goodnight ladies and gentlemen on Monday Night RAW!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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