Chapter One.

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- Calista's POV -

I looked at my clock when I got home, 7:45. I had just got home from a long day at work today. I work in a pizza shop downtown, very famous. A lot of people come to visit there because the pizza is so good. I enjoy working there. A lot of people are so friendly, everybody knows everybody. I live in California, with my best friend Vanessa. She's been my best friend, I'm a year older than her though. I'm twenty, she's only nineteen. I don't mind though, she's been my best friend ever since I was in the eight grade and she was only in seventh. She's still at work, she doesn't get out until eight. I looked down at a text that I have gotten from Vanessa earlier while I was at work and she was on her break.

Nessa💖 Sent at 6:30

After I come home from work, want to go out and get something to eat? I'm starved! Friday's?

To Nessa💖

Yes! I'll be ready by the time you get here. Make sure you hurry your butt over here, I'm starved. See you soon xx

I decided I should probably get out of my work clothes.. I went into my room and get a pair of leggings and one of Niall's old sweatshirts he left over her last week. I haven't talked to Niall since then, he's always so busy with his new girlfriend, Faith. I don't like her, I don't. She's going to hurt Niall, and I don't want that. She's a complete bitch. I hate her, but of course Niall thinks the complete opposite and wants me to be friends with her. I don't want too, but Niall has to big of a heart for us to fight. I don't want to say I didn't like her because I don't want Niall to be mad at me, you know?

Niall - Sent at 7:55

Do you want to hang out? Faith is with her friends and I haven't hung out with you in a while. Sushi?

To Niall -

Can't. Sorry, I'm going out to eat with Nessa.

I put my phone on my bed while I went to go braid my hair. I got a FaceTime from Niall. Can't he see I don't want to talk to him? I don't like his girlfriend. I don't like him at the moment. He won't listen to me! He won't talk to me as much as we used to! It's not fair. I miss my Niall. When we had movie nights every night and I would go to his concerts whenever I wanted. I missed MY Niall. My best friend Niall. I really do. I answered the Facetime. "Yes?" I asked, harshly. "Can't say hello to my best friend?" best friend. Well, that stung. "You can. Sorry, I was just busy braiding my hair." I said. "It's alright. So, why don't you just ditch Vanessa and come hang out with me?" Why don't you just ditch Faith and come hang out with me! "I can't Niall, and you know that I can't. I never skip out on plans." His face lowered and he looked to the ground. "Well, I haven't seen you in forever. I miss you! You see Vanessa everyday. I don't get to see you everyday. I miss you." If you miss me don't spent twenty four seven with your whore of a girlfriend and come stay with me. Is it that hard to say no to bitch face? "I'm sorry Niall. I miss you too! I promise. We can hang out soon alright. I have work till 12:30 tomorrow. I have the morning shift. Can we hang out then? Maybe go out to lunch or something?" I hoped that he would say yes. He's probably going to be with Faith. "I can't Calista.. I'm going out with Faith." Bingo. Of course you are! You miss me so much my ass. "You see Faith everyday! I never get to see you! Why can't you just ditch Faith!?" I said, almost screaming. I mocked what he said. "Why are you being so rude? I'm trying to hang out with you.." BECAUSE. I HATE THAT YOU'RE WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND. BECAUSE MAYBE I WISH THAT WAS ME? "It's fine Niall. We are busy, we can hang out soon. Vanessa's here. I have to go. Bye." I lied, Vanessa's not here. I just don't want you too see me cry.. I hung up before I could throw my phone across the bed and I could cry into my pillow.

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