Chapter 10 - Weird guests

Start from the beginning

The other two boys whip their head my way as soon as he's out the door. I already know what's coming.

"Yah you never mentioned his looks?" Felix almost shouts, definitely being heard by the boy in the other room.

"Yeah he's almost as handsome as my roommate! Though I haven't seen his abs yet." Seungmin adds with enthusiasm.

Felix stops his blabbering to give seungmin a fierce side eye while I stare at him while shaking my head. Man does that boy know how to say the most uncalled for things.

I let out a huge sigh and Felix pinches his nose bridge as he does often in seungmins presence.

"what?.." The puppy blinks in his oblivious self.

"Nothing." Me and Felix sigh in unison.

A moment of silence between us passes before seungmin speaks up again, "So let's go spy on him."

"W-wait what?"

"YESSS" Felix jumps up off the bed and grabs onto seungmins hand. They run to the door leaving behind their sick friend to spy on his roommate.

"G-guys I don't think you should-"

"Wah look at his arms!" Seungmin exclaims with hearts in his eyes. They both stand with the door slightly cracked enough to spy to their content.

They really made themselves at home I guess.

"Right!! Oh my god!" Felix joins seungmins fangirling

I slowly get out of bed, frustrated with their strange behavior. I push through them and strut out the door. I haven't walked much today so my strut turns into a slow waddle toward my roommate. He stands infront of the stove, apron on, cooking up a delicious scent.

He's cooking up a Super Bowl in the kitchen Michelin irresistible.

Definitely boyfriend material...

I mean what?


He turns toward me with wide eyes, not expecting my voice. "jisung?? Why are you up? Aren't you dizzy? Aish your so stupid-"

"Hyung I'm fine." I chuckle as I look up and find myself looking into his eyes again.

They are awfully easy to get lost in.

My friends certainly were acting weird, but they were not wrong.

He's very handsome.

"W-why were you late today?" I stutter out and avert my eyes when I realize I've been looking for too long.

"I got some groceries for us." He gestures toward the bags on the counter.


Butterflies storm my stomach as the older turns around and goes back to cooking.

"Stop being annoying and go back to bed." Is the final thing he says to me before his attention falls back on the dish he's making.

Of course.

Just when I thought he would start being nice he goes back to classic Minho.

I sigh and waddle on back to my room where two heads stick out from the door crack.

I roll my eyes and pull both of the boys out their spying spot, "You two get back to your dorms before I report you guys.

"Hey what's the big idea buddy." Felix throws his hands in the air like a toddler. He opens his mouth to blabber some more

"Do you want to get trespassing on your record?"

Felix's mouth closes.

"Now leave."

A smug smile forms on Seungmins lips, "Why so you can be alone with your hot room-"

"Y-yah that's it! Get out!" I sternly point toward the exit as they burst out giggling and walk toward the door. Minho raising in eyebrow at my weird friends.

"Hah his face!!" Felix cries out while hitting seungmins shoulder, "Right!!"

With dangerously high levels of embarrassment in me, the boys walk out the room to which Minho lowly mutters a, "finally."

I am probably bright red right now but you know what? I'm gonna blame it on being sick. Not the fact that my friends think my roommates smoking hot.

Everything's fine.

But suddenly the drawings flash in my mind.

"Aish!!!" I slap my cheeks hoping to slap the thoughts out of me, only earning more weird looks from the older in the room.

I bow with a nervous chuckle and hurry back to my bed.

Deep breathes.


Calm Jisung.

And then that perfect drawing of my squirrel eating habits comes flowing right back.

"Ughhhhhhh!!" I muffle my screams with a pillow when I hear the door open.

"Jisung sit up." The voice I was dreading to hear gets closer.

I sit up and smile a convincing 'I'm okay' smile and the older sets down a plate in my lap.

My mouth waters just looking at it. But when I take a bite, heaven truly arrives on earth.

This man is quite the cook.

Boyfriend material-



Sometimes my thoughts truly have it out for me. I close my eyes and focus on the meal instead.

The more I eat it the more it becomes finger licking yeah I'm cooking up a Super Bowl.

I take bite after bite, not realizing how quickly I'm devouring my food until I hear laughter beside me.

"Slow down." The older laughs. This being one of the few times I've seen him be happy. Actually since when did he ever have emotions? "When you finish just put it on your desk and go to sleep alright?"

His soft tone truly seems like a different person. But I nod, justified by the fact I can't possibly croak out a word right now without stuttering.

"Make sure you sleep. I'm not kidding around." His cold face sends shivers down my spine but I nod once more.

Who's this caring Minho and what happened to the Minho I once knew!??

I live for minsung.
Next chapter will be Minho pov sorry for the lack of Minho.

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