Chapter 3

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He knew he had to eat today in order to atleast be able to walk,  but did he really wanted to well no, the thought of being fat kept him from eating.  The same thing happened today as well. He went to school without eating something.

While walking to school,  he kept his head down not being brave enough to face anyone. It was just a 10 minute walk from his apartment to school but today it took him extra long because of the wobbly legs and dizziness.

Walking inside the school he straightly went to his locker to get books. After taking the books he went to his class and sat on the farthest desk where no one sat.

A part of him was relaxed today not like the day was good for him but the thing that he didn't get beaten up by his bully was quite a good thing.

The bell rang and the room started to fill up with students,  all of them came talking and laughing with their friends while jimin just sat there with his head down. Not long after the teacher entered and the class started,  jimin was not paying any attention to the lecture but had rather zoned out like always.

jimin...Jimin....PARK JIMIN ... the teacher shouted on him calling him out for zoning out in-between the class.

"Mr. Park come and solve this problem " his teacher called him out to solve the particularly easy maths problem she just had explained.

Jimin didn't budge from his place and just stood up not knowing what to do or say. All the students were looking at him,  he hated it , him being the center of attention.  " come here and solve this " the teacher said clearly dissatisfied with the response he gave her. But he just stood there with his head down and spoke in a low tone. "I am sorry,  but I don't know this. "

"Huh,you don't know this,  Park Jimin this is the easiest equation from the whole chapter and you are saying you don't know. Do you even know your results for this year, you have failed in almost every subject and still not paying any attention.  You know what I have had enough of this attitude of yours so, call your parents here tomorrow I and the principal will talk to them about your results " scolded the teacher.

A shiver ran down jimins spine hearing the mention of his parents but he stayed quiet and nodded his head.

"Sit down now and focus on the class. " said the teacher.

After attending 5 classes it was time for lunch but he can't eat so he just stayed in the class thinking about the possible outcomes if his parents got to know about his grades.

He was taken out of his thoughts by a smack on the back of his head.  He looked over and saw Jake,  his bully with his other friends. " oooo, guys looks like the piggy escaped from us this morning . Jake said sarcastically.

"You are right baby,  but who will save him now."his gf Tera spoke out.

"Ya bro , let's teach him a lesson for hiding from us " another person from the group exclaimed laughing.

And that was all it took Jake to grab jimin by his hair and slam him on the ground.  Jake and his other friends started beating jimin while Tera just sat and made a vedio of him getting abused.

After about 30 minutes of the continuous abuse to jimins body they left him in the classroom and went to the canteen to have lunch.

Jimin got up, body hurting like hell going to the restroom he washed his face and changed his little torn clothes,  he always kept extra clothes for he knew he would need them.

After looking presentable enough he again went to his class and somehow attended the rest of the classes.

He got home and plopped on his bed calling his father to inform him about what the teacher said.

"Hello,  dad you would have to come tomorrow to school,  my principal and teacher wants to see you" jimin said.

"What is it this time? I swear jimin if it is a complaint about your studies ,no one will be worse than me." His father said dissapointment clearly visible in his voice.

Jimin couldn't bring himself to say anything so he cut the call and slept right away being tired as always.


Hey guys
I hope you are liking the story
Let me know if you want me to write any smut or something.

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