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3 weeks later

Since the day, after the hospital, I locked myself home. I don't know, what to do..

It's a huge rock, sitting on both of my shoulders and trying to break me.

But I need to meet Jaden. He needs to know, that a baby is inside of my belly.

I don't know, if I'm going to keep it.. but then again, it's a sin in Islam, right?

I don't know what to do.

I stand up from my chair.

Put yourself together!

I'm trying.

I'm really trying.

I need to get ready, and then go to Jaden.

I stop in front of the mirror.

I'm wearing a crop top, and a leggings.

I stand sideways, look at my little bump that's already out.

I don't have that much time, I need to talk to Jaden and then choose.

I shake my head and walk to my closet. Grab a pullover. I walk to my night stand, grab my phone and keys.

Jaden's doesn't live far away.

I walk the stairs down and crash with my step mom.

"Slowly" she says holding her chest.

"I'm sorry, mom" I say and she nods, a smile appears on her face and she grabs my face.

"Sweetie, is there anything you want to tell me?" My eyes widen and I shake my head, making her hands fall to my shoulders.

She backs away, looks at me, travel her eyes up and down my body, then she sighs and nods.

"Ok" she walks away, but before she kisses my head. She's the sweetest person I ever met.. every movie has the devil step mom but she's just the opposite.

As I'm walking out of the house, I make my way to the house.

After 8 minutes, I knock on the door and Jaden stands there in shorts without a top.

"Heeey-" I meet his gaze and worry is inside his eyes.

"Can we Talk" I mumble, lower my gaze to my feet.

"Please" I add.

"Come inside" he pushes the door wide, for me to step inside. I shake my head and sigh.

"Can we," I look up and then close my eyes, because of the tears.. they're trying to come out.

"-talk here?" I gesture to the stairs and he nods. "Let me just grab my shirt" he says and I nod turning around and sitting down at the staircase.

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