Chapter Two

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You Belong With Me(Taylor's Version)~Taylor Swift

He and I are closer than friends. We are enemies linked together. The same sin binds us

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Quil stop" Astraea whined as her older brother was begging her to go to a party with him

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"Quil stop" Astraea whined as her older brother was begging her to go to a party with him. Their mom and Sam said it was okay if Quil went as long as he brought Paul and Astraea. The two pair haven't seen each other in two weeks. Astraea wanted to try to speak to him but Lynsey talked her out of her saying the man should make the first move. "Come on star I promise it will be fun"he begged his sister using her nickname. He knew his mom, Joy also wanted to two, Paul and Astraea to hangout. Joy was so excited for her daughter. She now knew her daughter would do amazing things. "Fine, go pick my outfit" Astraea told her brother making him jump him from her bed and to her closet. She loved her room. It definitely screamed Astraea. The baby pink that were on her walls that have always been her favorite color. Her vanity that had flowers painted on the drawers and that was from the 70's made out of wicker. Her bed sat in front of her window and a rug that was the same color as walls were under the bed. Photos of her friends and family hang on the right wall of her bed. The left wall of her bed was her closet. Next to her bed on the left side of her bed was her dresser. Her right side of her bed was a night stand and next to it was a lamp that she had begged her grandfather for a year for. "It's laying on your bed. Ima go take a shower okay" Quil told his sister making her nod her head as she section another part of her hair to straight. She liked her brother picking out her outfits. She liked the idea of someone having a little control over her life like her outfits, ordering for her, tying her shoes. She never knew why but she found comfort in it. Paul was perfect for that. Her best friend told her that it was definitely her daddy issues but Astraea always avoided that topic. Her birth father was never a good man. He was the reason why Astraea after all did have to put up for adoption not that Astraea didn't love her family and her life she did but she wished her past would have been different. "Come on Astraea" she heard her brother yell. She rolled her eyes before zipping up her boots
"I don't know Quil" Astraea said now feeling her nervousness rise. She just found out five minutes ago that Paul was going to show up at the party. Quil rolled his eyes at his sister and opened the door to the party hosts house Liam. Liam made sure to greet Astraea. He always had his eyes on her hoping he could have a one night stand with her. Everybody knew she wasn't a virgin and was definitely a freak. She always thought it was her fault for everybody knowing that but it was truly her ex boyfriends fault. "Hey Astraea" Liam pushed her hair behind her ear making her back away and now looking for her brother who was now gone. "Great" she mumbled under her breath. "Do you want me to get you a drink?" He asked her hoping he could get her at least tipsy enough to get her in his bed. She wasn't stupid though and gave him her fake smile. "No thanks, I'm going to just search for Linsey" she told him before walking away from him. Astraea knew that she should have been meaner but that was complete opposite of her. Paul was in a corner of the living room making out with his new girl toy of the month. He tried his best to shake away the guilt he felt as he tasted the sourness of Pipers lips. He knew it was the imprinting effecting him. He hated it. He hated that he imprinted. He hated that he found his soulmate. He loved his life how it was. Astraea had mixed feelings about it. She knew how Paul was but she was so excited to find out that she had a soulmate. Paul had opened his eyes to see his imprint dressed in a silk black dress with a slit on the thigh. He watched as the cut in the dress raised every step she took. His favorite thing was the pink bow at the top of the cut. Her pink leather boots showed the colorful lights that caught his eyes. "Paul why did you stop?" Piper asked now looking at what he was staring at. Piper didn't like this. She never liked Astraea due to the attention Linsey and her got from everybody. She was perfection. "Are you serious. Why are you staring at that slut". Pipers comment did not make Paul happy one bit. She called his imprint a slut. His whole body was now shaking as he shoved his self away from Piper not caring how upset she was.  Piper was quick to follow after him. Piper couldn't help but glare at the blonde who took the attention of her so call boyfriend. Astraea was now dancing with Quil and Linsey. They formed a small circle. Quil glared at the girl who was glaring at his little sister. Quil was never a violent person except when it came to his sister or land. He didn't like the look this girl was giving Astraea. "Hey Linsey I'm going to go outside for a bit okay, keep a eye on Ash" Quil told his sisters best friend who was working on a second drink. Quil was following the girl who was glaring at his sister. Paul went outside to get away from people even though he knew Piper was following after him. He knew he was about to get yelled at. He didn't even bother or care about it all. He felt confusion in why he did stop and why he walked away from Piper. He thought there was no way the bond was effecting him like this so quickly. "Paul why were you staring at her?" Piper yelled that everybody who was on the kitchen of the house could hear. "You are suppose to be mine" she grabbed his arm trying to turn him around. He turned around now shaking with anger. Quil watched from the kitchen window now sighing because he knew she had to get out there before Paul phased in front of a human. "Hey Paul Linsey and Astraea was looking for you buddy" Quil made sure to say Astraea because he knew it would catch Paul's attention and hopefully calm him down. Paul looked at Quil and then Piper before bumping his shoulder into hers and going inside to find Astraea. "What is so special about her" Piper whined before sitting on the steps. "She is way much better then you. She is kind, she is smart, she is fun unlike you. How about you not be such a bitch and then maybe people will like you not just for your body" Quil told her as he himself was getting angry. Quil was definitely that stereotypical older brother. He was over protective of Astraea especially with how naive she was. He rolled his eyes at the now crying girl. Usually he would try to comfort a person he seen crying but he knew better this time. He walked inside to see Paul only talking to Linsey. Linsey looked like she wanted to kick Paul. Astraea tried her best to not seem jealous as Paul called her best friend pretty. It was clear as day that she felt uncomfortable. Quil made sure to watch from afar and to make sure to listen to them. Quil knew he would try to take Linsey to his house. "Well isn't Astraea pretty too" Linsey asked now crossing her arms as she glared at the shapeshifter. Astraea just sipped on her drink as she watched the two. She felt so tiny in this situation. "In that slutty dress please " those words slipped Paul's lips and that was like someone killing Astraea in front of Linsey. Linsey threw her beer that were in her hand and quickly unclip her heels before grabbing a hand full of his hair and dragged him out of the house with a worried and scared Astraea and Quil behind and a group of excited teens who were ready for a fight. Quil had his arms tighten around his little sister so she wouldn't be able to intervene. Linsey started pounding her heels on Paul's head making him crouch and try to protect his head. He knew not to fight back. He also knew to not to react because after all this was Linsey, she was like the male version of Paul. He knew to just let her do her thing especially since Astraea and a whole group of people were watching and recording this whole scene. "Why are you doing that?" Piper walked around the house to see Linsey doing what she was doing. "It's called revenge" Linsey spit those words. She never was never fond of Linsey. "Well stop hurting my boyfriend" this made everybody put their cameras on Piper knowing what was going to happen. Linsey didn't like that she referred her best friend imprinter as her boyfriend. She started to run after Piper with her heel. Piper was now scared for life knowing how violent the black hair girl can get. Linsey threw her heel at Pipers face leaving her have a print on her face.

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